[quote=“The Stranger, post:3, topic:2408”]Yes, I agree with you.
In Japan, the Spaghetti Western genre seems to be a hobby for rich people. ;)[/quote]
Actually, most Japanese DVD’s are rather expensive (outside of Japan) regardless of what genre of film. It is all relative, of course, to the conversion of the Japanese Yen to other currencies. Here in the USA, the Japanese discs are generally too expensive for the average fan to buy.
I bought all of SPO’s original releases several years ago, and have never regretted it.
But, I won’t be buying any of these new releases (and in some cases, re-releases) as they cost way too much (especially for someone without a job, like me! ha ha!).
Nice to see these are available, though!
Ennioo is correct.
Not that it matters much, but I have noticed over the years a misunderstanding by some SW fans regarding the releases in the LEGEND OF THE GUNMEN set, as well as the Japanese releases for the SABATA films. A lot of fans think those releases were SPO releases when, in fact, they came from a different company, Stingray.
I have heard from a highly reliable source that the new Japanese discs for RED BLOOD, YELLOW GOLD (Professionisti per un Massacro) and A MAN CALLED APOCALYPSE JOE (Un Uomo chiamato Apocalisse Joe) utilize the exact same print sources that were used by companies in the USA and Germany, respectively.
I have not been able to confirm this for myself; so, if anyone gets these discs and can compare them to previously issued releases—please let us know if what I have been told is true!
[quote=“Yodlaf Peterson, post:9, topic:2408”]Am I right in thinking that two or three of them haven’t had any other dvd releases?
Un Fiume di Dollari
Professionisti per un Massacro
La Chiamavano California[/quote]
Un Fiume di Dollari (Koch DVD, also a US DVD)
Professionisti per un Massacro (German DVD, good picture quality, only German audio)
La Chiamavano California (German DVD by New)
[quote=“ENNIOO, post:12, topic:2408”]Released on it’s own as a single release, aswell as a limited box set with The Mercenary and Navajo Joe. The box set is called Legend of the Gunmen.[/quote]I’ve got that box, I didn’t realise that it was The Hills Run Red :
(I didn’t even notice the pic of Silva in the bottom of the cover!)
[quote=“Chris_Casey, post:13, topic:2408”]A lot of fans think those releases were SPO releases when, in fact, they came from a different company, Stingray.[/quote]I know the difference between the two
I just got thrown off by the Italian title and didn’t bother to find out the English ones before I posted.
to chris casey, having all the available spo releases i’m seeking info for long days of vengeance,are both the spanish/english disc in 2.35.1 aspect ratio or are they indentical to the xrated disc ones 1:85.1 and 2:35.1.
[quote=“Yodlaf Peterson, post:16, topic:2408”]I know the difference between the two
I just got thrown off by the Italian title and didn’t bother to find out the English ones before I posted.[/quote]
I wasn’t referring to you, amigo.
I was talking about some other folks that, in the past, have referred to Stingray’s THE MERCENARY and NAVAJO JOE as the Japanese SPO versions.
The X-Rated release is actually superior from a visual standpoint to the original SPO release for LONG DAYS OF VENGEANCE, in my opinion. But, I believe the aspect ratios are the same.
I cannot confirm this definitely, as most of all my DVD’s are still in storage, at this time.