Saw Hostiles in the cinema yesterday.
I enjoyed it but it is very slow moving and one paced. It won’t be everyone’s cup of tea for sure but the performances are very strong throughout and if you like your westerns downbeat there should be something for you here. it is nothing if not relentlessly depressing.
Just saw this one come along. It is an Australian western
Looks interesting. Never heard of Ben Hall before. It is based upon his life.
Excited because it opens this weekend over here and I will go see it
I thought Hostiles was excellent. Christian Bale’s character moves through his developmental arc a little too briskly maybe but there’s still a lot to like here. Jesse Plemons is fast becoming a favourite actor of mine.
That actually looks like it might be fun
And another one
If the western were on it’s way back, or had made a legit return, then we’d know about it.
A couple of seconds into this trailer, and the question is answered, NO … but there seem to be a lot of untalented people who think they can aid the return with this type of micro budget nonsense.
To whom it may concern … Please, pretty please. Stop making these embarrassing vanity projects.
Two reviews
Sounds good to me
Oooo Mel Gibson, now there is a controversial director
A remake of The Wild Bunch? Sounds like a terrible idea!
Isn’t this old news already? I mean the idea of remake not Gibson.
The Passion of Pike Bishop.
Haven’t Hollywood noticed that all the remakes they’ve done over the past 20 to 40 years (including 'King Kong '76 ) stink ???
Thank god the proposed remake of Butch & Sundance, with Tom Cruise and John Travolta never got off the ground.