My Spaghetti Western album

Man, you guys make me blush. :sweat_smile: Thank you!

Well Iā€™d love to do another 18 tracks, but donā€™t hold your breath. Iā€™m currently working on the score for a short which ironically is a western but the director doesnā€™t want any music that sounds like western. He wants more of a rockabilly or beat rock style.

Then I intend to record an album similar to the idea of the western album but for the horror genre in the broadest sense. Themes from gothic horror to giallo to slasher to zombies to cannibals, this kinda thing.

My time for music is very limited. Usually I have about half a day per week to work on music if things go as planned. For the western album, it being a real passion project, I took off all April without pay from my day job. But this isnā€™t an option on a regular basis, economically. Itā€™s either making money with music and quitting the day job, or itā€™s working the day job and having half a day a week for music and other things.

I know which of the two Iā€™d want. But I also know which of the two I get. One or two shorts a year donā€™t pay the bills. Streaming revenues donā€™t even pay a beer. There should be more new western feature films. More with my music anywayā€¦ :wink:


The Bluegrass horse country of Kentucky. I canā€™t say that it bares much of a resemblance to a typical Western film landscapeā€¦either in the U.S. or in Spain. :wink: It was all due to your music and the smell of horse sweat. :cowboy_hat_face:


Have you ever considered playing live, with a small group ? (canā€™t have you dashing from one instrument to the next) I think this has the potential to be commercial ā€¦ and quitting the ā€˜day jobā€™ must be very tempting ? :wink:


Quitting the day job is certainly very tempting, but there are two major reasons why live gigs are bound to fail miserably. For one, Iā€™m not a very good player (you donā€™t know how many takes I needed for those songs, although I made it easy for myself by saying that I wanted to keep imperfections in there on purpose - because there are also flaws in original soundtrack recordings of the era, and these imperfections kinda help to hide the fact that a fair bit of my instruments were digital virtual instruments).

The second reason being that Iā€™m absolutely not a stage person. I hate being watched live. I much prefer the more intimate studio setting, or the one-on-one composer-director dialogue as a process of creating things.

Oh, and another one, Iā€™ve always wondered how musicians can stay mentally sane when they have to perform the same songs over and over again, sometimes for decades. :grin: When I work on a track for a few days, Iā€™ve had enough of that tune for a while. :joy:


Drugs, sex and money ā€¦ are usually great motivators ! :wink:

But I hear what youā€™re sayinā€™ regarding the myriad problems of doing live shows - Just that it would be such a breath of fresh air to hear/see something a little off the wall ā€¦ but just by way of encouraging you, the quality is there.


Thanks again, aldo. The encouragement is much appreciated. :slight_smile:

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