Movie Memories that Last

Some movies are good, some are bad…and others are down-right ugly…
Some make you happy, while others give you a proverbial kick up the jack-side.
A good film is one that provokes thought…and encourages you to reflect on your own life,…
It can tear away at the heart-strings…and; in the next instant, reduce you to someone who is hiding in a dark corner, or wanting to leap out and say “You drew first blood, not me”!

Once in a while, though, a select few some celluloid memories remain…through sunshine, and showers…

Here’s one of mine…‘The Searchers’ (1956)
I remember watching this with my Grand-parents, on a Saturday night, so many years ago, aged 10.
Not embarrassed to say that I still get emotional watching this…
People forget…that a film is not just about the film itself…it’s about growing up with it, and having it as a constant, reliable, friend.
It re-kindles memories…

I hope that others on ‘SWDB’ have similar memories to share… :grinning:

“That 'll be the Day…”


For me, the best memories are of when I was boy in the 1990’s, and watching the TV series The Wild, Wild West with my Dad Saturday mornings on TNT. I got the TV series on DVD a few years ago, and we still watch them every so often.

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