Movie about woman with bow and arrow plus eagle killing off cowboys

When I was a kid in the early 80s I saw a movie, probably from 60s or 70s, that went sort of like this:
A group of cowboys (at least white horsemen) found a woman who had survived a killing among the group of men she had been travelling with. They take her along but then strange things happen - one by one they men are killed, too. In the end it turns out the killer was the woman herself, and the final scene ends when some eagle (I suppose) flies to her with the bow and arrow. She was some sort of legend or so, although I do not remember what.
I would love to see this again since it was really scary.

Sounds like ‘The Shadow of Chikara’, with Sondra Locke ?

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This is amazing.
I have tried numerous forums and 'what is my movie’site but this flick seemed just too obscure. Happy to know my memory was right though, and that the story was indeed linked to a legend. Thanks a lot!!!


No problem … happy to help. It’s also on You Tube, under the alternate title, ‘The Curse of Demon Mountain’ … only in VHS quality unfortunately.

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