This is going to be fun Let’s share misheard bits from SW theme songs or dialogue in the film. I’ll go first
Misheard lyrics:
A Man, A Story by Gianni Ferrio from Blood for a Silver Dollar
“An ancient woman lied to him”
“Maybe his heart is dad”
“Maybe it’s the end of story of that man”
A Gringo Like Me by Ennio Morricone & Peter Tevis from Gunfight at Red Sands
“Don’t be a fool for a smile or a kiss,
or your bullet might piss.”
Maya by Vasco & Manusco from No Room to Die
“I need a God”
(Could put the whole song here, I’m talking about the English version )
Back Home Someday (A Man Alone) by Sergio Endrigo from Massacre Time
“The wind will steal your pot of gold”
“And fill your eyes with burning sand, Peter san!”
Misheard dialogue in Spaghetti Westerns:
I’m not 100% sure, but I think it was Kill Django! Kill First! I couldn’t figure out what the name of the antagonist was because everyone in the English dub seemed to mumble his name or pronounciate it weirdly, so everytime the name was said, it sounded different