Man, Pride and Vengeance / L’uomo, l’orgoglio, la vendetta (Luigi Bazzoni, 1967)

Yes that is most logical IMO also so I made a lazy mistake not researching the story enough. But my wife now seems eager to watch it after my description of it :slight_smile:

I have DVDs of Django and The Brute And The Beast/Massacre Time and in those movies I didn’t notice a foreign accent in the English dub of his characters.

I could be forgetting one but I think The Mercenary was the first western where Nero dubbed his own voice in English. All his own voice after that.

Aha, so by the way maybe that could have been one of the reasons for me (going off topic) to not like The Mercenary so much when I watched it at Youtube nearly 2 years ago (in spite of some beautiful Morricone music). Another more important being the revolutionary aspect.
I have a vague memory that he really sounded different there and more like the European he was supposed to be in The Mercenary if I remember correctly now…
In general I think there is some irritation when they often change dub voices for certain well known actors between movies and you recognise the “wrong” distinctive voice.

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Never had any problems with Franco Nero’s voice. It’s understandable that he wanted to play foreigners so that he didn’t have to be dubbed by someone else. It seems a bit ridiculous to criticise a film for having the actor’s actual voice. I also have different preferences for the earlier films. I prefer to watch Django in Italian with English subtitles while I watch Massacre Time with the American dub, which is different to the international English dub.

Nero’s voice in the original Italian version of The Mercenary was not his own, but a dubbed one. And it sounds markedly different from his own voice in the English version. I’m used to the German dub, and that follows the Italian version, and that’s why for me Nero’s own voice sounds odd for Kowalski. Sounds badly dubbed.

It doesn’t bother me, but it does bemuse how Franco often in interviews has commented on his preference to dub his own English version - fair enough, he mentions how America is made up of European immigrants with lots of different languages and therefore accents, also fair enough … but does he explain why when playing characters from Poland and Sweden he sounds like an Italian speaking rough English ? … he’s a nice guy though, so I can’t get too upset with him. :wink:


He probably thought the English speaking audiences would be non the wiser regarding foreign accents. :smirk:

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Good point! :wink:

It’s tough for a native English speaker to speak Italian with a German accent, or to take another example for a native French speaker to speak Italian with a strong East European accent… :wink:


Of course ! … it wasn’t a serious complaint.

Generally it’s tough for a native English speaker to speak in English, in many cases! :wink:

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Especially where I live! :roll_eyes:

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Well, in Northern Ireland some of the accents and dialects are so thick, I have to pause at times to figure what’s being said … oh for subtitles in real life ! :rofl:

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Me too!

Accidental double post

I do that regularly.
Do you know when those subtitles will be available?

Man, Pride… has been updated to the new layout (3.0). Let us know if you can add anything: pictures, posters, trivia, facts, figures, links, etc…

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This one has now been updated with A NEW POLL to vote on at the top of the page under the original post. Please find it and share your rating with the community.

As usual, link to forum page has also been added / fixed, poster art added, and broken links removed. The original member’s post is as intended, at the top section.

Any issues, please say.

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Arabic-language newspaper advertisement


Ronda locations
I have been trying to find the Ronda locations from this movie using google around the older part of the town without success.
If anyone has info on the Ronda locations then please let me know?