Lucky Luke Comics

I saw the topic of the Terence Hill movie. But I think these comics dont deserve this kind of adaptation. I loved and still love them(unfortunately my sister took them with her when she moved). I think they are even better than the Asterix comics. So i am interested who red them too. Are they just a european phenomenom???

Hope some of you like them too.

I liked them as a kid but it’s been a long time since I have read them. I especially remember the story about the bounty hunter who had familiar look.

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Hi Bill, very cool. Is this drawing on portuguese ?
Other thing, this remembers me “Les Dalton” a French production, it´s it a good and loyal to the comics ?

I remember seeing these when i was a kid, never came across them since though.

The Lucky Luke Comics are very good, but you should only read the ones written by Rene Goscinny.
He was a real genius, unfortunately he died early in 1978. His brillant comics (amongst them Asterix and Isnogud) had lost thereafter most of their quality.

The above mentioned Lucky Luke and the Bounty Hunter is obviously a parody on the SW genre.

[quote=“stanton, post:5, topic:585”]The Lucky Luke Comics are very good, but you should only read the ones written by Rene Goscinny.
He was a real genius, unfortunately he died early in 1978. His brillant comics (amongst them Asterix and Isnogud) had lost thereafter most of their quality.[/quote]I agree about the Asterix. The first ones are great but after Goscinny’s death they became awful. But IMHO the best Isnogoud albums are written by Tabary himself. He makes brilliant and weird storylines like no-one else. For example, just check the album Iznogoud et les Femmes (Not sure if it’s translated to english though) great stuff!

But the Goscinny Isnogouds are much more funny.

[quote=“Raph_Alv, post:3, topic:585”]Other thing, this remembers me “Les Dalton” a French production, it´s it a good and loyal to the comics ?
Terrible movie, one of the worst i’ve ever seen!

Oh yes, yes terrible film.

Even the animation Lucky Lukes are not so good. They are not able to transport the humor of the comics into filmic humor.
Like most films after novels they try to copy it, but by trying to be close they miss the point completely.

Same goes for the Asterix films I have seen.

[quote=“stanton, post:9, topic:585”]Oh yes, yes terrible film.

Even the animation Lucky Lukes are not so good. They are not able to transport the humor of the comics into filmic humor.
Like most films after novels they try to copy it, but by trying to be close they miss the point completely.

Same goes for the Asterix films I have seen.[/quote]
I like the one animated asterix film where they have to surpass 12 testings to conquer Rome. The dubbing is very funny and the humor is great. But Lucky Luke was never transported well to the screen in my opinion.
I haven´t seen the asterix films with real actors, but it has laetitia casta. The lucky luke one sucked even with Terrence Hill, but to be honest i would prefer laetatita over him too.

I read them and I still do.

My sister took up our collection. So when i visited her this weekend i dug them out and had my way with some. I never really realised that some of the persons really existed, like calamity jane and billy the kid. Also read the bounty hunter with the “lee van cleef” character. but only his looks are borrrowed, otherwise he does not compare much, well he is “bad” but only as bad as a childs comic allows him to be.

Lucky luke is great, but only in comic form!

I still re-read them every year or so. They are very funny and alot of the humour comes from spoofing classic Western films.