I dont know the exact title, and this is a possibly a Spanish only movie?, but
I have heard that the movie was made in Colmenar Viejo (or near it) which
is just north of Madrid, and I live near there, and I want to see some of the
old sets and places that were used. A local here said they recently saw the movie
on TV in Spanish, and I would like to get the film (buy the DVD?) and see it.
But I havent been able to find it on google with this title.
Sorry, I didnt see it. But my friend has seen some of it, and piecing it together.
It was made in 1958, perhaps the first in Spain? Its about a Sheriff who gets involved
with a blond woman, and Indians, and I think the Indians adopt him as a new chief? and
he gets in trouble with some cowboys. I know its not much, but I am translating all of
this from Spanish to English, so some is lost in translation! Sorry!