In my never ending obsession with lists, I am looking for some input from the Swdb community. I am compiling a list of films where a character is named after a historical person. Like Rod Cameron in Bullets Don’t Argue as Pat Garrett! Peter Lee Lawrence in I’ll Kill Him and Return Alone as Billy the Kid and Fausto Tozzi as Pat Garrett and so on. Thanks for the assistance.
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Face to Face has William Berger as Charlie Siringo.
Van Johnson as President Garfield in Tonino Valeri’s Il Prezzo del Potere (Price of Power)
Also, Gojko Mitic as Native American Chief Tecumseh in the East German Western of the same name
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Seven Hours of Gunfire has Rik Van Nutter as Buffalo Bill, Adrian Hoven as Wild Bill Hickok and Gloria Milland as Calamity Jane.
Buffalo Bill, the Hero of the Far West has Gordon Scott as Buffalo Bill and Mirko Ellis as Yellow Hand.
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Savalas = Pancho Villa
Within that movie there may be more real life characters like Walter Coy as General Pershing.
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