I picked this at random last night but haven’t made it to the end (yet)…
Directed under the name of Frank G. Carrol, it’s an American stylee spag with a clean-cut protagonist and feel - (so far)… but we can hope there’s a bit more beastliness to come (fat chance). Brett Halsey is Johnny, who’s a marshall investigating some counterfeiting goings on in a town that’s pretty much owned by a charmless fellah in a waistcoat called Gary Jackson, aided by his mean looking black clad henchman (hoorah!).
So far our heroic Johnny had pushed a pissed bloke over, and got beaten up over a card game, and yet people keep gushing on about how handy he is with his fists ???
Jackson believes that he also owns a share in l’il dimple-chinned Annie the saloon singer (she actually gets to sing a quite nice song), but instead she’s going a bit damp under her various blamongey cream-cake dresses for another badboy (maybe yet with a conscience?), who’s in the pay of Jackson, called (wherever I lay my hat) Ray.
Gary cottons on to the potential naughtiness (Ray should’ve picked up his hat) that also goes on in the ol’ scrote alcoholic blacksmith’s shed. He sends a gang of his boys to return and shoot up said hat as a warning (oooh… nasty ;)), prior to getting Ray fixed up for murdering a mexi-gambler that he’d previously got into a ruck with. Meantime, somebody’s out to put a few holes in our main man. I gotta feeling Ray’s pretty sis is gonna play a bigger part in this as well…
To be continued…
…one day.
Actually, it’s not so bad a film given its lack of spaghetti-stylee, and I will finish it soon. The version I’ve got is a vid rip, and what is left on the screen is pretty good quality, but include some sort of scando-subs that are completely under the picture. If I had a techno-zoom button that worked I could fill the screen and enjoy this more, but instead I put a couple of very low-tech cushions in front to mask off the very large and annoying text. So far… ok.
Been a long time since I watched it but remember it being pretty tame stuff with low Spaghetti styling. Tries to be more an American style western for the most part, That said, I should probably give it another whirl sometime soonish to refresh my memory. Afraid it fell into a category of films which were ok but didn’t compel me to go back in a hurry.
Hey Amigos,
To anyone interested in the rare SW Uccidete Johnny Ringo (Kill Johnny Ringo): Since November 25th available on YouTube in very good quality and English language.
The Motion Picture Soundtrack by Pippo Caruso is available too:
1st) in the scene of the killing of the man in the saloon, the frames depicting the stabbing were eliminated (1 m)
2nd) in the scene of the killing of the doctor, the close-up of the doctor receiving the stab wound was removed (1.65 m)
Gianfranco Baldanello SWs Ranked from Worst to Best, in my opinion
(second and third place tend to be equivalent, When the Devil Holds a Gun if uncut could perhaps aspire to fourth place):
6th Uccidete Johnny Ringo (I didn’t have the opportunity to see the film in its original 96 minutes runtime)
5th Una Colt in mano al diavolo (opinion based on the inexcusable, heavily cut DVD version)
4th 30 Winchester per El Diablo
3rd Dieci bianchi uccisi da un piccolo indiano
2nd I lunghi giorni dell’odio a.k.a. L’uomo che non doveva morire
1st Black Jack