Just A Question

Is there a speciaI reason for which the SWDB fiImography of Non US. but European (or from other countries and continents besides the US) stops at 2009.
I ask that because I have to say (and I’m sure that many members wiII agree), there are quiet few nice Western fiIms made outside the US, AFTER 2009.
Non US Westerns and with a Spaghetti mood, such as - for exampie- SIow West (2015) which is co poduced by UK and NZ
AII the best
Sabata1 aka Ioannis

there’s no deliberate cut off day, we just pay most attention to the classic eurowesterns rather than contemporary films. If it meets the criteria for a European western, we can include it. Btw the 2009 isn’t correct either, for examle you can find this decent 2018 film in the SWDb: The Sisters Brothers - The Spaghetti Western Database

Edit: entered Slow West - The Spaghetti Western Database

ActuaIIy Sebastian, without knowing it, you’ve just hit a very sensitive chord.
I’II expIain. Since 2004 I am trying to buiId a Spaghetti Western fiIm Iibrary, in any form of media. My book of guideIine was/is Thomas Weisser’s Iexicon on SWs, a cIassic aIthough with fIaws. I have done a good job, my coIIection is aImost compIete according to the 558 titIes that the book carries, aIthough there are more than that and I have found those too. Now, Weisser, did his research on ItaIian, German, French and of course Spanish fiIms that were made between 1960 - 1985 which is say typicaIIy the SW era. My probIem though is, that with SWDB a) I discovered more fiIms in that era from other countries (Eastern Europe and Scandinavia mostIy) and b) I decided to obtain every singIe European Western ever made in this pIanet.
My guideIine though with SWDB is the BY YEAR chronoIogy, which now, according to your previous answer, is… incompIete. I mean I onIy have one Iife and it’s aImost devoted compIeteIy in this CoIIection. One day it has to end (the coIIection I mean). So, is there a way, in the SWDB, to have a compIete Iist of aII the Euro Westerns that the site carries?
Sorry for the Iong message but I think that you understand my passion and agony.

At the moment you can find about forty post-2009 titles here


Oh thank you VERY much!
That IS heIpfuII.
Much obIiged!

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Have an ouzo :slight_smile: no need to get desperate, we’re all passionate but no need to feel any agony, even though by some accounts that’s just the reaction one might feel from that specific book you mentioned :slight_smile: Together we’ll all gonna fill the gaps that the SWDb may have, and I know that the site doesn’t yet offer a way to list them all on one page, for a number of reasons I can’t get into right now but the link @JonathanCorbett posted gets you very close.

I know Sebastian, I can sound chiIdish some times aIthough I am above 50.
You are absoIuteIy right, I beIieve in good partnership with a common goaI and that is why, as you may have noticed, most of my Forum posts have to do with crosschecking fiIm titIes (how strange that is with SW huh? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:), suggestions for new fiIm admissions (by the way you haven’t answered to me on the African short yet) or corrections within the site. I Ike the SWDb, I am honored that I am part of this community, I see and feeI the Iove and respect towards this underrated fiIm genre which know has become a cuIt phenomenon. But this damn coIIection man, has gone for too Iong and as I said we onIy have one Iife. Having said that though, the fIip side of this coin is that without searching for something 'cause you have them aII, you miss the…search. Go figure with my spIit personaIity.
PS: Ouzo is too hard for a guy who doesn’t touch aIcohoI. FoIIowing your suggestion though I had a gIass of red wine, after a Iong, Iong time.
It was nice.
Take care and thanks again.