Macaroni Western no subete (All the SW) 324 italian films writer Kazuo Kajiwara
Book in Japanese (2002) 2000 Yens (20$/15Euros) ISBN4-89172-665-2
There is a short description of the SW made from 63 to 76
With an short annex for actors/directors/music
Many B&W pictures some i only saw on this book.
7 color pages with various SW covers.254 pages.
Macaroni Poster Taizen
Very good art book i found in a 2dHand book shop
English/Japanese with postface by Franco Nero Writer Katsumi Ishikuma
(2001) 3800 Yens (38$/27Euros) ISBN4-89691-568-2
Old edition maybe not easy to find, i was lucky i was not looking for SW stuff when I get it.
An art Book with more than a hundred full pages SW posters all color
from Italia/US/Japan/and so…
[quote=“Lanky gunman, post:1, topic:186”]Here are two books on SW i bought in Japan.
Macaroni Western no subete (All the SW) 324 italian films writer Kazuo Kajiwara
Book in Japanese (2002) 2000 Yens (20$/15Euros) ISBN4-89172-665-2
There is a short description of the SW made from 63 to 76
With an short annex for actors/directors/music
Many B&W pictures some i only saw on this book.
7 color pages with various SW covers.254 pages.
Macaroni Poster Taizen
Very good art book i found in a 2dHand book shop
English/Japanese with postface by Franco Nero Writer Katsumi Ishikuma
(2001) 3800 Yens (38$/27Euros) ISBN4-89691-568-2
Old edition maybe not easy to find, i was lucky i was not looking for SW stuff when I get it.
An art Book with more than a hundred full pages SW posters all color
from Italia/US/Japan/and so…[/quote]
i have the tazien one (how do i know what edition i have)
do you know where i can get Macaroni Western no subete?
Since this book was published over 20 years ago, there are few sites that provide detailed information.
The most detailed one at the moment is Amazon Japan. マカロニウエスタンのすべて―イタリア西部劇324 | 梶原 和男 |本 | 通販 | Amazon
However, of course this book is written in Japanese, and there is a lot of inaccurate information in this book.