If You Meet Sartana, Pray for Your Death / Se incontri Sartana, prega per la tua morte (Gianfranco Parolini, 1968)

To expose the bank president who was behind the heist since the beginning.

I don’t recall this at all. :-[
Refresh my memory.

I get the general gist yeah,but i have exactly the same problem right from (as Pallbearer states) the cemetery and i can hardly make head or tail of certain scenes and dialogue.BTW I’m up for a scene by scene reconstruction of ANGEL OF DEATH,well maybe just the ending. :slight_smile:

Am i the only one who found the watch’s music to fit brilliantly with the forecoming shooting/death scenes?

Anyway, Sartana’s character is very cool and Garko does a great job, he’s like a mixture of Eastwood and Franco Nero at Django, although he says at the interview of the Wild East DVD that he hadn’t watched Corbucci’s flick at all. The gunfights were quite intense and i also loved the way Parolini made a couple of scenes where Garko puts that weird device with the bullets in his gun and then shoots, you know that fast-forward thing.

I must agree that the plot was very hard to follow, and if people whose native language is English say that, imagine what happens with the others…

A very entertaining flick that gets better with every view. 4/5

I agree. :wink:

The pocket watch may have been borrowed from FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE but i enjoyed the novel ways in which Sartana used its chimes to spook Lasky and Tampico into believing Moreno (or in this case a witness to his murder) is onto them.

You’re so right about multiple viewings Ion and i’m more guilty than anyone of dismissing the odd sw after one viewing.With Sartana on first impressions i didn’t think it was as good as its reputation but because i was so confused with the plot that as i watched it again and again to figure it out,the movie became one of my favourites. :slight_smile:

I am ashamed to say it but I didn’t care for this one. It seemed too dated and Berger’s character is REALLY annoying.

I almost forgot. In case you didn’t know, the gambler that blows smoke in sartana’s face was played by Gianfranco Parolini.

The review has arrived, the actor’s page will follow later (today or on sunday):


I’ve added the part ‘the Sartana series’ to Stanton’s review of 'Have a good funeral …", replacing two of the three pics with others, more appropriate to that movie:


Scherp, I actually read your review twice in a row because it was such an entertaining read the first time!

[quote=“Lasky, post:64, topic:188”]I agree. :wink:

The pocket watch may have been borrowed from FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE but i enjoyed the novel ways in which Sartana used its chimes to spook Lasky and Tampico into believing Moreno (or in this case a witness to his murder) is onto them.[/quote]

I agree as well. I would argue this was done better than FAFDM.

Watched it again for the 3rd time…enjoyed it quite a bit.

I think it was ok, but nothing I’ll rewatch I think.


I saw a dvdr version shown from the wild east version ( thank you again stanton)and it was a good clear print.the film certainly isn’t boring with plenty of action and well staged gunfights. yes the story does meander and you lose track at times but it is an entertaining enjoyable SW. Good cast but another film where klaus kinski just has virtually a cameo, a real waste. doesn’t quite make my top 20 but 7/10

Just watched this one tonight. For the most part, I liked it a lot. Most of the scenes involving Sartana were great, & Klaus Kinski, & I actually liked William Berger’s character too. The story was too convoluted, &like most people who’ve commented above, I lost track of who was doublecrossing who & where the gold was & what the deal with the rocks was. Plus some of the intrigue scenes, with the bankers & mayors & suchlike, were just boring. I haven’t seen any of the rest of the series yet, but I hope they concentrate more on action & style (the best things about this film) rather than elaborate plots.

We at “Por um punhado de euros” are beginning a tour into Sartana movies. First review is now available:

MASTERPIECE!!! easy my best spagheti western! i’am crazy for this, i want to see in blue-ray!!!

Wooo! I like it too. A great character, plenty of action… but the plot is way too complex. Manny things are happen but most of them avoidable. The exterior sets are also kind of poor, they should have gone to Almeria.

yes the plot it’s litle strange but the movie has all the other things i loved in a spaghetti western that’s why
it’s in my top 20 and the first one

i loved the shobary review 8) 8)

Gold, insurance fraud, blackmailing, backstabbing… This one got it all. Not easy to stay with the plot with all the killing going on all the time. Not many boring moments. Many similiar things to Parolinis later Sabata.

Sartana has to be the coolest looking Spaghetti character of all time. Whoever his styler was did a good job. This is the first movie with Gianni Garko I ever saw and he made a very good impression. William Berger is not as his best. I like him alot but in this movie I felt like there was something missing. Klaus Kinksi does a small appearance as a guest star.

Very entertaining Spaghetti Western, not to be missed for fans of the genre.

everyone have their tastes…

Surprisingly I found this movie boring. I didn’t really like the Sartana character and found the whole film a bit disjointed. Although I will say, even though I haven’t finished watching Trade Your Guns for a Coffin, this is a lot better so far.