[Germany] Plaion Pictures (Koch Media - Koch Films)

:slight_smile: Just received this marvellous 4 DVD box via Amazon.de! It is just the best release ever. The only negative thing I can think of is the fact that all extra’s are in german (the movies are italian or german spoken and englisch subtitled). The accompanying book is almost worth the price alone. It is just palin beautiful. I also got in Blindman (Koch media) and the one and only first Sartana…I’m one happy man!!!
So if you do get a bit of German, this box is for you, no matter whether you already have the pics or not.

Angel Eyes

yeah i have it, too.
its marvellous. Death Sentence is also great. you should get that one too.

Bruckner did a fantastic job on that box. I love the book. what i didnt like was the way the dvds are contained. i’d have prefered those slim keep cases like in the anchor bay box

buy at amazon.de[url]Amazon.de

Death sentence? where can I get that one? what title do I look for? What company is this DVD from?

also from Koch Media, called “Django - unbarmherzig wie die sonne”

click herehttp://www.spaghetti-western.net/index.php/Sentenza_di_morte

Koch Media’s home video division (headed by the great Ulrich Bruckner) has released a number of S’Ghettis in the past and is continuing its great wave of spaghetti releases. While their older ones had flawes, the new releases are of great quality and lots of effort put into it with great extras.

Here’s what they’ve put out:

  • …Und Santana tötet sie alle (Lo irritarono… e Santana fece piazza pulita) [FSK 18]

  • Django - Ich will ihn tot (Lo voglio morto) [FSK 18]

  • Mörder des Klans (Prega il morto e ammazza il vivo) [unfortunately not 2.35:1]

  • Keinen Cent für Ringos Kopf (massacre at grand canyon) by Sergio Corbucci

  • Sergio Sollima Italowestenr Box (Run Man Run, The Big Gundown, Face to face) [plus hardcover encyclopedia]

  • Blindman by Ferdinando Baldi [FSK 18]

  • Django - Unbarmherzig wie die Sonne (Sentenza di morte)

  • Töte Amigo (Quien Sabe?) [FSK 18]

  • Django Italowestern Box (“Django - 10.000 blutige Dollars” , “Django - Der Bastard”, “Django - Die Bibel ist kein Kartenspiel”) [plus Soundtrack CD]

  • Sein Wechselgeld ist Blei (I giorni della violenza)

  • Django - Die Totengräber warten schon (Quella sporca storia nel West) by Enzo G. Castellari [coming November 11th]

    Pre-order at amazon.de[/url]

Coming soon:

  • Halleluja Italo Western Box [Man nennt mich Halleluja (Testa t‘ammazzo, croce… sei morto… Mi chiamano Alleluja, Italien 1971) Ein Halleluja für Camposanto (Gli fumavano le Colt… lo chiamavano Camposanto, Italien 1971) Sando Kid spricht das letzte Halleluja (Su le mani cadavere! Sei in arresto, Italien 1971)] coming November 11th

    [url=http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/redirect?path=ASIN/B000B9PV8Q&link_code=as2&camp=1638&tag=thequentintar-21&creative=6742]Pre-order at amazon.de[url]Amazon.de

Also, to be announced:

  • Chamaco (Killer Kid) tba
  • Der letzte Zug nach Durango tba
  • Sartana kommt tba
  • Im Staub der Sonne (March 3rd 2006)
  • Willkommen in der Hölle tba
  • Kugeln tragen keine Unterschrift tba

Great selection of TBA’s - never seen Kugeln tragen keine Unterschrift but look forward to seeing the others in Koch quality.

Does anyone have any information if these upcoming releases will have english audio or subtitles?

Sein Wechselgeld ist Blei, Django - 10.000 blutige Dollars, Django - Der Bastard (wich is NOT “Django the Bastard” but $100,000 per killing), Execution & Sando Kid…
audio: Ger, Ita
sub: Ger

Quella sporca storia nel West
audio: Ger, Ita, Eng
sub: Ger, Eng

Kitosch, going for a variant of your link to Quella sporca storia nel West


Much preferred your own specification!

I saw at work that the picture I attached apparently doesn’t show up (it shows here at home). So, in case you can’t see it, it’s a screenshot of the DVDs audio options menu screen which features German, Italian and English. The database you link to is incorrect.

[quote=“Benito Alvarez, post:9, topic:50”]Kitosch, going for a variant of your link to Quella sporca storia nel West


Much preferred your own specification![/quote]

yeah that is still one of the best german dvd sites but their information is usually outdated or only from older press releases. i will update the topic “german dvds with english audio or subtitles” as best as i can

That’s good news, thanks for the info Kitosch.

Thanks Kitosch and Sebastian - just looked at the cinefacts.de part of Kitosch’s link and then searched for the title - didn’t realise there were problems with the database itself. Excellent news though and am glad to be wrong!

well that “database” is just not very reliably.

by the way, (see the other topic), i just bought one of Koch Media’s older releases DJANGO I WANT HIM DEAD… it sais 4-page booklet. but thats 1 page table of contents (chapters) and only 2 pages text :slight_smile:

Koch media is coming out in november with three Hallelujah SW’s:
“Man nennt mich Halleluja”, “Ein Halleluja für Camposanto” und “Sando Kid spricht das letzte Halleluja”


Too bad these movies will not have english audio nor subtitles…

Hey Koch! What’s up with this! Please make your boxes interesting for the whole world!!!

They’re a German company - why should they? Wild East’s disks don’t come with German language and subtitles and the German market is probably one of the biggest. I’m just grateful that Koch manage to get English language rights for some of them.

I’m just wishing out loud…is it that expensive to buy and release an english version (subtitles or audio?) I’m just thinking how much more product Koch would sell when they include an english version…
Well, I guess to just have to wait and see what’s coming…

It’s not the audio or the subs that are expensive. It’s the additional rights that have to be obtained. I’m no insider but my guess for the most expensive language to get the rights for would be English.

most Koch releases have english subtitles. the specifications for the Halleluja box are still a bit early…

The Japanese DVD of Heads You Die, Tails I Kill You includes an English track but it isn’t 16x9 enhanced like the Koch DVDs. Still it’s the usual good SPO quality and the film is good fun.

Also It’s good to see Koch bringing out some Peter Lee Lawrence SWs. :slight_smile: