Fav Kinski Spaghetti Western?

And God Said To Cain

Great call on The Ruthless Four Wolf; love that flick. :slight_smile: I’m really partial to Kinski in Bullet For the General, but of course The Great Silence and And God Said to Cain are classics. :slight_smile:

Let’s take a look at Kinski’s spags quality in 60s and 70s.

For a Few Dollars More (great)
A Bullet for the General (great)
The Great Silence (great)
If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death (I prefer Carnimeo’s Sartanas but it’s still fine)
Ruthless Four
I Am Sartana Your Angel of Death (good)
Twice a Judas
Man, Pride and Vengeance

And God said to cain (good)
The Beast
Black Killer (crap)
A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe
A Fistful of Death (crap)
His Name was King (average)
The Fighting Fists of Shanghai Joe (average)
A Barrel Full of Dollars (crap)
Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead (good)
The Return of Clint the Stranger
Return of Shanghai Joe (crap)
Vengeance Trail (crap)
The Price of Death (average)

I think that Kinski had a great talent, but he made a mess of his acting career.
This is clear that in 60s Kinski played in superb or at least good spags and his performances were simply better than later.
In 70s most of his westerns aren’t memorable and sometimes his presence is embarassing.
I don’t want to make anyone nervous. It’s only my opinion about Kinski. :slight_smile:

^ He was in a bunch of crap, but for an actor who mainly accepted roles considering how much they paid and how long they required him to be there, I think Kinski has a surprisingly good filmography.

Maybe in 60s he accepted roles not only for money :wink:


His filmography is littered with other crap movies , for example:

Revenge of the Stolen Stars.1985
EL Cabarello del Dragon .1985
The Secret Diary of Sigmund Freud .1984
The Soldier .1982
Love and Money .1980
Madame Claude .1976
Le Orme .1974
Mir hat es immer Spaß gemacht .1970 [The Naughty Cheerleader]
Mister Zehn Prozent - Miezen und Moneten .1968 [The Psychopath]

And i’m a big Kinski fan but these titles are not viewed very often or have only been viewed once.

The point is that the 60s decade probably was his best. Kinski was excellent in some movies but I don’t think that it is fair to call him a great actor. Too much crap :wink:

He’s great in the Werner Herzog films, that’s for sure…


I think he had enough great performances to be called a great actor, regardless of his lesser work (talking about both the quality of films and his acting). One of my favorite Kinski non-western/non-Herzog film is from the 70s too ; Lifespan (1975). Now that film I love and he’s great in it (quite a restrained performance).

Although not a western of course he is funny in ‘Buddy Buddy’ …he plays a sex doctor.

I don’t think the amount of crap movies make somebody a bad actor necessarily. You’ve got people like Peter Lorre who have been in some really bad shit and they were great actors. Some other were typecasted like Bela Lugosi, Boris Karloff or Peter Cushing but in the few chances you get to see them playing against type you can tell they were very good. And you also have the opposite with guys like Harrison Ford who is a pretty limited actor yet he’s been in many classics.
I think Kinski is a great actor, I’ve seen him play very different roles and even in the worst ones, he was better than the people around him. My favorite western with him is probably A Few Dollars More, but my favorite performance is Tigrero.

Couldn’t agree more…just watched “The Body Snatcher” and Karloff is so creepy in that very few could touch him. When they gave Lugosi half a chance with a good director (“The Black Cat”, “Son of Frankenstein”) he really showed how good he could be. True of a lot of people…

Starring in bad movies doesn’t render an actor someone incompetent. One cannot forget this is also a way of earning money. Sure, artists should have some aspirations, but goddamn - they can’t sit in the street and become beggars, just because they didn’t want to play a role in a D-grade for a couple of dollars, LOL.

Besides, one cannot forget that Kinski was a great actor and a rather weird persona at the same time - he allegedly refused to collaborate with Fellini as well as compared himself to a prostitute. :wink:

At least he was deadly serious. ;D

I didn’t say that he was a bad actor. My definition of a great actor is “great roles + good movies(more good movies than bad)”.
I can appreciate his roles but I can’t appreciate him. Try to understand me :wink:
I have a question, has he ever played a completely normal person?

Yes, Fitzcarraldo by Herzog for example (my favorite Herzog so far and a masterpiece). He’s not totally normal, more a dreamer who wants to build an opera in a jungle, but he’s not a lunatic either (no I-will-kill-them-all character ;)).

Paganini was completely hilarious, it was like his autobio and spoken word act come to life.

I prefer him in leading roles.With no particular order:

And God Said to Cain
Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead
The Great Silence
I Am Sartana your Angel of Death
The Beast (the movie is a crap but Kinski shines ;D )

From co-leading roles:

A Bullet for the General (with longer hair than ever)
For a Few Dollars More (as a hunchback is really friendly ;D )

[quote=“Ramon Rojo, post:38, topic:2724”]I prefer him in leading roles.With no particular order:

And God Said to Cain
Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead
The Great Silence
I Am Sartana your Angel of Death
The Beast (the movie is a crap but Kinski shines ;D )

From co-leading roles:

A Bullet for the General (with longer hair than ever)
For a Few Dollars More (as a hunchback is really friendly ;D )[/quote]

For a Few Dollars More (as a hunchback is really friendly)

Of course i am ! ;D