FAQ about aspect ratio

As there are still several members who have questions about the aspect ratio of films, and why there are so many different ones, and how they should be on a DVD, here is the place to ask.

At first a link which should be able to answer many basic questions:


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The same infos, only now in German:


Great links

Wanted to write an article on it, might still do it (some day)

Great thread, I never really got that weird 2:85:9:0:99:1 stuff!

What’s so hard?

He’s only 12, remember.

What are they teaching kids in school these days? In my day, aspect ratio lessons were right after double maths.

But this can be explained to a 6 year old. And Silence is brighter than that.

4:3 = 4 units in width and 3 in height

Ok ;).

I think widescreen was 2:85,5 or something if I’m not mistaken?

[quote=“Silence, post:8, topic:2327”]Ok ;).

I think widescreen was 2:85,5 or something if I’m not mistaken?[/quote]

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