Fails, bloopers, etc. in Spaghetti Westerns

Let’s list some fails, bloopers and other mistakes that can be found in SWs.

I think the most common are cars and other modern things in the background or actors playing dead but are visibly breathing.

My favorite has to be Lincoln Tate tripping and falling in Aquasanta Joe. Poor chap, but still, why did they include it in the film? It’s very obvious that the fall wasn’t part of the script.


It’s too good not to include … though I’ve seen ‘Aquasanta Joe’ and don’t remember this scene.


I don’t think there are many who remember any scene from “Aquasanta Joe”. :slight_smile:


For a Few Dollars More

  • the two extra zeros scrawled on Calloway’s wanted poster have vanished when it is shoved under the bedroom door

  • Manco clearly shoots into the floor when he fires at and kills Cavanagh. Not sure why this wasn’t re-shot. He also seems to discharge his first shot at the three gangsters in the saloon doorway too early before the pistol has pointed towards them.

I assume things such as Mortimer knowing that the bank is offering a reward for the stolen money before he has spoken to anyone and the magical appearance of the cart with the dead bodies at the end (right next to Indio’s body) is deliberate and part of Leone-world rather than mistakes.


Two “classics” – first image is, of course, taken from Django; according to Howard Hughes’s Once Upon a Time in the Italian West (p. 232), the cameraman behind the bar is Enzo Barboni. Second one is from Luigi Batzella’s Anche per Django le carogne hanno un prezzo.


If Barboni is the movie’s cameraman and he has a camera who’s filming him!! I guess Corbucci must have had 2 cameras running simultaneously.

That second movie is full of shots of characters riding across tracks made by cars. I’m surprised only one was caught on camera.


By the way, I think that Howard Hughes is wrong here and the cameraman we see is not Barboni, who looked like this:

So it was probably Barboni himself who filmed his coworker.


You can see a modern building and a car whiz up a road as clear as day in a scene in ‘Don’t Turn the Other Cheek’. It was funny because I think the scene was originally set in the daytime but they put a filter over it to look like night, yet they still completely failed to hide the mistake. That’s the one I’ve always remembered most.


There are loads of cars and contemporary vehicles buzzing about in SWs, particularly those filmed around Almeria … even the Leone classics are packed with 'em, - I won’t mention where, just in case some folks haven’t noticed them yet



Massacre at Canyon Grande has some awful continuity errors in the big shoot out in the hills towards the end. A dead body lying between Clay Dancer and Whitmore appears, disappears, appears, you see the guy get shot, corpse moves position, corpse moves back again. Every shot featuring this extra is out of continuity. Not sure what was going on in the editing room there.


A few more oddities collected over the years.

• Built by Carlo Simi for Leone’s Per qualche dollaro in più, “El Paso” became “Omaha City” in Tonino Valerii’s Per il gusto di uccidere. The image shows Gus Kennebeck (George Martin) in front of the Omaha City offices of the El Paso Tribune.

• How did a German calendar in Fraktur type make it into Corbucci’s Johnny Oro? And who translated the writing on the cardboard sign from English into Italian in a matter of seconds?

• The pylons in the background give a glimpse into the future of the Wild West, which Jack Beauregard (Henry Fonda) wants to leave behind as soon as possible in Il mio nome è Nessuno.

• No more Gs on the set of Rafael Romero Marchent’s Ocaso de un pistolero, but there was still one S left. And the two look very similar anyway.

• This dummy in Valerii’s Il prezzo del potere is … well, not a masterpiece.


Good spot.

That’s one of my few criticisms of that movie. It’s almost too obvious but to be fair The Return of Ringo has the same problem and I never see people criticise that one.

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In The Unholy Four there is a shot of the four (or just three at the time?) riding towards the camera with something that looks like the tail of a commercial airplane moving behind a hill.


I’m onto a few…can’t remember one in OUATIW though. I can remember seeing tyre tracks but not a car itself…again I won’t say where. You don’t have to say where it is but please correct me if I’m wrong.

Sorry, it’s Today it’s me, tomorrow it’s you. My blooper. :wink:


Continuity errors are quite common in Italian Westerns. Here’s one from Spara, gringo, spara, directed by Bruno Corbucci.

Sheila (Krista Nell) and Fidel (Fabrizio Moroni) are sitting at a table …

Fidel engages in a saloon brawl that has just started …

Subsequent shot shows Sheila and Fidel again next to and behind the table, respectively.


Another one from the archives: The following sequence from José Luis Merino’s Réquiem para el gringo is puzzling. First, a small chest falls off the horse of one of the riders in the group. No one seems to notice or care.

Later, when the film’s protagonist rides past the same spot, he doesn’t take any notice of the chest lying in the grass either.


I wonder if it’s still there ? What a great SW souvenir
