Ethel Rojo

I was skipping around through Minnesota Clay (the DVD) the other night just to look at images of this woman. She is both beautiful and hot. (Love her “outfit” for most of the film, a black halter-type bra!)

Anyway, toward the end she is killed by the main bad guy. But before he kills her he makes her swear on a Bible regarding the truth of a question he asks her. It seems to me that the answer she gives is, in fact, a lie.
It is a desperate scene. She says something like “I’m not afraid of you anymore” and then swears on the Bible. (Then he blows her away).

Here’s my weird question: Is she being so defiant of this bad guy that she is accepting eternal damnation?
Any Catholic out there may know this: Is lying on a Bible right before you die a mortal sin (I don’t know myself, being a pagan). There is a lot of religious subtext to many of these Spaghetti and I wondered about this because this scene has a lot more power if she is condemming herself to hell, in effect, just to spit in the bad guy’s eye.

I think its her

It IS her…

That is pretty much what she is doing, amigo!

I, too, always thought she was HOT in MINNESOTA CLAY…glad to know that I am not the only one.

[quote=“Raph_Alv, post:2, topic:850”]I think its her[/quote]

Not exactly the way I remember her. But thanks Raph. Argentine, Huh?

[quote=“Chris_Casey, post:4, topic:850”]That is pretty much what she is doing, amigo!
I, too, always thought she was HOT in MINNESOTA CLAY…glad to know that I am not the only one.[/quote]

Chris, you can’t post a screen shot of her can you? I can’t get that done.
Thanks a lot.

I’m glad somebody else besides me has noticed her.