El Rojo (Leopoldo Savona, 1966)


This had so much potential! There were some real oddities here that were never developed as they should have been. Why bring in a character if you’re not going to fully develop him, or at least make his presence make sense, for example??

What I will say is that it had a solid cast and was definitely not a stinker but could have been so much more. Some fine looking ladies and Nieves Navarro will always capture my attention.

I’ll lump this in with many many other 3/5 ratings that I’ve given, unfortunately. More disappointment for what could have been…

Starts with a massacre in true Spaghetti style in this effective western for Harrison. Print I found is a little dark on the Franco Cleef DVD R, but then again an improvement from my old greek VHS print. Harrison gives some sugar (which he gets from his grubby looking shirt pocket) to a couple of ladies who still find it delicious.

Set to get thi one soonish.

If I love Vengeance, will this one be recommendable?

Yeah I like it alot, Harrison kills people in creative ways, it’s got a good pace… I think it’s underrated. Don’t expect it to be as good as Vengeance though.

I found this one disappointing for all the reasons given above by the Rev and others.
It just seems to be all over the place and nothing really seems to fit together coherently. Alsmost as if every day they came to work they had forgotten what they shot yesterday.

This is a shame as it does have a great cast. All of whom I am very fond of but don’t think any of them are really used properly except perhaps for Piero Lulli. Nieves Navarro is just plain wasted. I don’t understand if you’ve got Nieves on the set why you wouldn’t use her more fully.

It has its moments for sure but could and should have been so much better.

Only in the sense that El Rojo also has eccentric moments. Otherwise, Phil sums up succinctly my feelings about its failings above.

I received the Franco Cleef’s DVDr recently. The transfer is great but I was expecting more of the flick itself. It’s just another average revenge flick.

For me, the best thing in the whole movie is trumpet played by Michele Lacerenza.
BTW, does Franaco Cleef’s DVD have opening credits? My DVD doesn’t :o .

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[quote=“djvaso, post:29, topic:836”]For me, the best thing in the whole movie is trumpet played by Michele Lacerenza.
BTW, does Franaco Cleef’s DVD have opening credits? My DVD doesn’t :o .[/quote]

Can’t remember. I’ll check and let you know.

A strange film with a bizarre end.
I agree with you all, the story has much potential. But there is very little used. Especially the beginning is pretty weak. Over time, the film is better. And the latest with the mask man takes the film to ride. Just a pity that this character has so little screen time.

Overall, I think Savona has only a little attention. Too bad. Although he has never made a masterpiece, but his films are all solid, or at least average. El Rojo is in this area. My rating 6 / 10 points.

I just finished this one and I enjoyed it a lot. I have been getting into Richard Harrison’s spaghetti westerns more and more and this one did not disappoint. Solid from start to finish.

Today was El Rojo day thanks to Pereira.

Quite a bit of luck that to two tugas on the forum actually lived both only a few miles distance, anyway Pereira send some SW, and I send him some semi soft/very soft/only soft/forget you wont see nothing soft porn flicks that he’s missing in his collection ;D .

Anyway I did enjoy the movie; the guy who played the Indian got a very similar face to a common friend of the usual cinema office crowd, so that brought up a few laughs.
Pity that Harrison acting skills couldn’t compare to his Ninja ones, but the guy got screen presence, is first lines “…So what’s your name? I ain’t got one” didn’t promise much things coming out of this revenge SW, but at least it came out better than I was expecting , I can say that the film wasn’t bad directed had some nice production values even some good actors like…, of course as it has been said by others Navarro was wasted (an no only in the end), and the plot is too typical, even though that during the revenge killings by Harrison his colt was never used (I specially liked the mine scene and the other during the fiesta with the fireworks).
The ending was a strange one with the mysterious mask faced character, a so puzzling one that I didn’t quite understood what he was doing in the film, and how he appeared, but it was worth cause of the end, it seemed to me that they were preparing a sequel or something (is there one?) in any case quite unique ending for a average SW.
In conclusion the film was at least well shot, and entertaining enough for a full viewing it exceed my expectations, nice middle of the road SW, made by a competent director.
3 stars

“Share the rare”. I always liked that sogan…

Yap, tenho mais umas cenas preparadas que vais apreciar companheiro. O Superfly jĂĄ foi nĂŁo jĂĄ?

Positivo! Mais spags só para a semana…

Is the Wild East DVD longer than the Franco Cleef Version ?
And can someone make a few Screenshots ? That would be great ! Thanks ! :smiley:

Was thinking when viewing this one again, Harrison was in lead Spaghetti roles from the start to more or less the end of the Spaghetti cycle, and interesting watching how his roles changed. Applies to other actors, but there were not to many U.S stars starting in main roles as early as Harrison and carrying it on. Short film and is over before you know it, and is an average tale for this viewer. The Wild East print is a bit on the dark side, similar to the Franco Cleef version as I remember. The reason this disc is good though is the extras…The 2011 Spaghetti Western Festival :slight_smile: .

I plan on watching it again soon as well. It wasn’t quite what I expected, but it was quirky enough to be entertaining. I’ll probably appreciate it more with the 2nd viewing.

I rewatched this yesterday, I didn’t remember that thing about sugar lumps. Didn’t really get it what was that all about. First half of the film is quite boring but it gets better towards the end, I especially liked the fiesta fight scene.

Still, I think the most memorable thing in the film is Black Bart character who weirdly is just in few scenes though. In the end Black Bart says to Sorenson they’ll make a good pair, red and black. So, does anyone know why? The name of the film El Rojo means red but Harrison’s character is never called that.