Ein Loch im Dollar (Mediabook) Blood for a Silver Dollar

Anyone know where / if this can still be picked up? And how did it compare to the wild east versions? (which I have). Looks like a nice set, but I know that can be deceiving. Any of you lot have it?

Love this movie but I don’t own it, I believe it was not a big jump from DVD quality which is why I didn’t pick it up. Hoping for this and Adios Gringo to get stellar releases in the near future!

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Yeah, cheers @Gritz. I know there is another blu ray of this available, but this one contains both Adios Gringo and Wanted on DVD as a bonus. Sounded good to me.

I have a later edition which has I think the same material and it is indeed not a huge jump in quality, in fact not even a real HD transfer…

Cheers, Seb. Thats a shame, the thought of all three in a mediabook was appealing … not that it would be easy to get hold of now anyway, I should think. I’d have liked to compare it with wild east, though I assumed they would likely be similar.

I would absolutely love for the new Arrow western box set to be a Gemma 4 movie collection. Blood For A Silver Dollar, Fort Yuma Gold, Wanted and Adios Gringo. I would be happy with a lot of other films don’t get me wrong but that would be a fantastic box set.


Sadly, that won’t happen. I’ve asked about something similar and apparently a number of Gemma’s films contain horsefalls which make them unsuitable for UK release. :disappointed:


:frowning: What a bummer!

Hasn’t stopped anyone before

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Grim :pensive:

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