Eduardo Fajardo

News from Almeria.

Nice! Congratulations to Eduardo Fajardo! He’s one of my favorite Euro actors.

the legendary villain!!

Finally appreciated! Congrats Mr Fajardo!

[url][/url] Congratulations Mr. Fajardo! Well deserved.

Nice. Well deserved !

Great news!
¡Enhorabuena Eduardo!

That’s great, congratulations M. Eduardo Fajardo!

Great news indeed!

I still remember the first flm with him I’ve seen, some Spanish version of Robin Hood with Victoria Abril, and Chris Huerta as Frei Tuck.

Most deserved homage

Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving fellow. The Steffen films would not have been as good without him.

Nice idea and reward for one of the greats. I hope they also give stars in memory of those who’ve already passed on.