DVDR shops - grey market, bootlegs, etc

Depends on what you mean by “advocating”. If that means something like strongly recommending, then yes, I would advocate that fans as much as they can buy legit releases of these films in order for these products to be commercially viable and spurn more of them, rather than watch “free” stufff on YouTube - which in my personal opinion is an option for stuff you can’t get anywhere decent on DVD and BluRay but doesn’t really support anyone but Google (Youtube is an advertising platform). And even the legit channels, like Minverva’s, of course it is cheap for them to just put the material up there and receive a trickle of ad money, but wouldn’t you rather see each and every one of these films receive a proper BluRay release? With each film streamed for free on YouTube, the likelihood for that shrinks, a bit (I am not saying nor do I have the numbers to back it up, that it will obliterate it), the market for such releases, making them a bit less likely. And yes, even as a fan of Netflix (which I am) and streaming in general (which I am as well) I am a bit torn: on the one hand I am happy when Netflix and others get classic films are niche movies, but at the same time I know that once I watched them there, the likelihood of me dishing out 20 bucks to buy a BluRay of such a film, decreases… because a lot of stuff I buy because I want to see it, not because I want to own something that collects dust in my shelf :slight_smile: But that’s just my opnion.
Here is another reason why as the owner of the SWDb I am advocating for DVDs and BluRays: We can link to them on Amazon, earn a commission, and keep the SWDb’s lights on :slight_smile:

To be honest, I don’t see this happening. I’m actually surprised that Wild East haven’t put out a few more Blu-rays when HD prints are available for many films without any legit releases.

Absolutely!!! … and I always watch a new Blu Ray or DVD as a special event at home, where as, with many, if not most of the material offered by YouTube I save it for a rainy day, so to speak … at least I have it on file in case a proper release never arrives.

If DVD/BD publishers see this as a threat to their livelihood they can step up and offer more variety and the titles we really want to see.

There’s little point arguing the pros and cons of YouTube as a business … it’s here to stay.

I think youtube is great to discover new movies you’ve never heard of before.

Take for exemple the music domain… pretty much any albums is on youtube right now.

Someone can actually discover a band or an album on youtube then go and buy the LP because he really enjoy it.