Drummer of Vengeance / Il giorno del giudizio (Mario Gariazzo, 1971)

My VHS is only 73 minutes. Iā€™ve never watched it before. Is it worth watching or should I watch the uncut version instead?

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This film sucks. Donā€™t believe tomas

No, believe tomas.

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So, should I watch the uncut version or the cut version? Will it make much of a difference?

Well, i have no idea, which version iā€™ve seen - but i would go with uncut.

Things make a bit more sense in the uncut version for me.

I checked my version - its running time is 88 minutes.

The more cut, the better.

Anybody interested in a VHS of this?

Drummer of Vengeance has been updated to the new layout (3.0). Let us know if you can add anything: pictures, posters, trivia, facts, figures, links, etcā€¦

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Continuing on with the few spaghetti westerns that are a part of Tubiā€™s collection that I havenā€™t seen before, I watched this one this morning under the alternate title of An Eye for an Eye.

Let me start by saying that if you are going to promise me Rosalba Neri then, dammit, I expect Rosalba Neri! Not a series of blink and youā€™ll miss it flashbacks. :rage:

As for the movie, I am fairly certain that Tubi has the U.S. DVD version as it is letterboxed and is about as far away as you can get from a pristine print. The premise is good as I rather enjoyed the little mechanical drummer serving as a substitute for Col. Mortimerā€™s watch and I always enjoy a good revenge flick. The execution, on the other hand, left a lot to be desired. The freeze frame every time someone was shot kept making me think that my ROKU had frozen.

While it is always a pleasure to see both Craig Hill and Gordon Mitchell, and Rossano Brazzi is excellent as the Sheriff, I have just never been a Ty Hardin fan. Besides the fact that he seems to have gone off the deep end in his later years, there is just something about him that has always grated on my nerves. Though he did prove himself, at least in this instance, to be quite the master of disguise. :roll_eyes:

Finally, have I mentioned that I was deprived of my expected dose of Rosalba Neri? :rage:


Yup! ā€¦ No talent neo nazi asshole.


This is Fidani like trash movie with a couple of nice ideas (the toy and the disguis was fun) and that is it. It gets boring after a while. It is kinda sad to see Craig Hill in a movies like this one.

Well i dont know if anyone is going to read this since last time i posted nobody read my post :frowning: but today i have a question where can i find the ultra short cut of ā€œdrummer of venganceā€ from 1971 i know i know the full film is on youtube but i specifically want the ultra short versionā€¦cause Idk i just want to see how Stupid it is lol.

people do read it but maybe the reason for no replies is/was that nobody among those who did read it had an answer for you :frowning:


Thats ok

Urguh - this film is a shambles. Something has obviously gone wrong in post production. There is a borrowed score and some of the editing is all over the place (although this be because theyā€™ve had to alter the soundtrack). With Ty Hardin adopting a disguise that even Robbie Rotten might feel is a little unconvincing the film is almost a parody of the revenge western although it takes itself quite seriously. It seems to be modelled on Django the Bastard but with added unintentional laughs. I saw the 90m You Tube version in English with French credits and several scenes in Italian dialogue only.
Lot of big names in the cast in small roles - how did they get that? Neri starred in Lady Frankenstein the same year but doesnā€™t have a speaking part here. Craig Hill has a rubbish part when he could easily have been the star.
Here is the MFB review from 1974 when the 90m version was shown in English dub. The MFB claim itā€™s a British film but that has got to be an error. Shot in Italy with an Italian crew - got to be Italian only hasnā€™t it? The credits are more Anglicised here than on the the You Tube print and the MFB erroneously identify the sheriff as Mason (Mason is the henchman killed by the Deputy in the cave). Music is credited to ā€˜General Musicā€™. The Italian cinema archive site credits Claudio Tallino for the music - there must be an interesting story as to how Morriconeā€™s Hellbenders score ended up in the film (which is the best thing about the movie).
The Italian censor site records a 95m running time (2620 feet) for the submitted version so 90m doesnā€™t really lose much footage although parts of it are incoherent.

Spot the bloke in disguise.

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The MFB time is wrong - the UK release was 79m not 89m. 7082ft =79m and this is also the BBFC run time.
So the UK got the shorter re-edited version (75m Pal) which explains why some of the English language dialogue is missing in the longer You Tube print.
If the longer version is 90m Pal that puts it close to 94m which is similar to the Italian censor time.

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