Drummer of Vengeance / Il giorno del giudizio (Mario Gariazzo, 1971)

Database Page: Giorno del giudizio, Il - The Spaghetti Western Database

Although this is a British/Italian co-production, I have read that it is the closest any british or american western gets to getting the feel of the spaghetti western. Probobly because of the italian director and crew. A vengeance flick that is said to be very dark and bleak. Starring Ty Hardin and Craig Hill.

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I actually have this one but it’s the Italian audio dvd…which i gather is longer then the english language version of the film. Not seen it yet though…

Let me know how it is, please. I can get the US release at my video store.

Will do…when i get round to it! It’s not at the top of my to watch list! Then again i’m sure quite a few of the guys here must have seen the film…

Most likely. Most definetly after I’ve seen the length of there SPW collections!!

Well…time’s on your side! I’m sure your own collection will grow and grow…

I’m going to make sure of it. Only I can’t decide wich to get next. Blindman is my favbut it is $20 and I also wanted to see Wanted Johnny Texas but everyone says it’s horible. Maybe I’ll try Shoot, Gringo, Shoot. But this alla little off topic. I appreciate the encouraging words silver. No sarcasm. :wink:

I like the first half hour of this one but it kinda loses steam after that.
I liked all the gimicky stuff like the little drummer toy filling the role of the musical pocket watch.
The freeze frames for every time somebody was shot was a bit of an annoyance but I got used to it.

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This a no nonsense SW for sure. The score is Morricone’s HELLBENDERS and works just fine. Plenty of well known faces and Hardin is at his best. This is one of those films where the hero kicks ass on the creeps who killed his wife and kid. When compared to the genre it’s just above average but if you had never seen a SW before you would say it was a very well made film. Don’t hesitate got get a copy and sit back and enjoy it.

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There’s a review I wrote a while back over here:

Bad wigs and facial hair aside, not a bad flick at all.

This film actually sounds pretty cool. I dont liked the idea of using recycled scores though.

[quote=“Goodfella, post:11, topic:1284”]This film actually sounds pretty cool. I dont liked the idea of using recycled scores though.[/quote]The score in FIGHTING FISTS OF SHANGHAI JOE was also in one of the SARTANA films and a few others i noticed.

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[quote=“Yodlaf Peterson, post:12, topic:1284”]The score in FIGHTING FISTS OF SHANGHAI JOE was also in one of the SARTANA films and a few others i noticed.[/quote]It was also used in God in Heaven…Arizona on Earth if I remember correctly

Yeah, it was

The other way around. :wink:

Nicolai’s score was originally for HAVE A GOOD FUNERAL MY FRIEND, SARTANA WILL PAY.

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How violent is this one? I can’t imagine them using freeze frames on every kill if they don’t use squibs.

Depends on what you consider violent but there is a very sadistic torture scene dealing with a wagon wheel.
A shame the scene isn’t edited properly, hard to tell what is going on but you get an idea.
The first half hour is the best part of the film, freeze frames and all!

By violent I mean squibs. Actually seeing the bullet piercing the flesh. Squibs are an obscession of mine.

I don’t recall squibs.
The freeze frames are initiated when the bodies are shot and flipping in mid-air.

Wel that’s alright too. :slight_smile: