Django the Last Killer / L’ultimo killer (Giuseppe Vari, 1967)

Yes, the mule disappears. Never noticed it before I read the booklet. But such things happen even in more expensive films.

There seems to be something missing as when they start shooting Eastman is on the back of the mule, but the bullets hit the ground when Eastman is already on his own feet.

[b]Maybe there is a short scene missing in which we can see Eastman falling from the mule *[/b]
  • That’s the way it is.

Quote from the French Forum western-maniac:
"J’ai oublié de préciser dans mon post ci-dessus que dans le DVD Koch il manque environ 10 secondes au début du film : lorsque G Eastman se fait attaquer, on le voit descendre de sa mule sur la VHS française alors que sur le DVD, il passe sans transition de la position assis sur sa mule à debout en train de se faire tirer entre les pieds ".

I just watched Django The Last Killer today. I picked up the Wild East DVD, and I really enjoyed the film. Seeing Eastman getting whipped, shot at, and beat up was interesting to say the least! I thought his chemistry with Ghidra was great. Speaking of Ghidra, I really like him as SW actor. I have the Wild East Ghidra double feature and I enjoyed both those films. Overall, Django Last killer was was very good. A little slow paced, but enjoyable. 3.5 stars.

see pistoleros with ghidra really awesome!!!

Too bad Ghidra didn’t make more spaghetti’s, I enjoyed his westerns and he had a certain presence on screen that i liked.

He was probably one of the lesser known actors in spaghettis and much better than George Hilton and Anthony Steffen for instance IMO. :slight_smile:

a great looking face for spaghettis!!! :smiley:

Absolutely agreed! A true tough guy!

This one’s being shown on movies4men - Thursday 17th May 2018, 11:05am.

Another pre-lunch time screening of a SW, can mean cuts for violence or language :weary: I do wish this channel would get it’s act together and stop tampering with the films they show.
Already I’ve seen them censor ‘The Great Silence’, Texas Adios’ and several others - I just switch off as soon as I see any cutting.

I wonder what would they cut in this one. It’s just so family friendly as it can get. Or did I forget some bloody violent scene?

I would do the same.

You must be getting hardened by all the SW violence you’ve seen!? … I agree, this one’s pretty tame, and most Harry Potter movies have more nastiness - But in the TV screening there’s a scene where the main baddie (Cisco Delgado) and possible father of Alberto dell, Aqua’s character ‘Jim Sullivan’, executes some guy who’s being tortured for information.

Worse, was when the opening thumb shooting in ‘The Great Silence’ was cut out … what’s the point in showing these films if the channel is worried about running into broadcast legislation, just screen them when all the kids have gone to bed, and are watching much worse stuff under the covers … :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I had a suspicion that some execution/torture had to be involved.

Oh god. I can’t really take it. One of my favorite movies being butchered like an animal in slaughterhouse and then served for public consumption. :cry:

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Not that it’s any consolation, but in the 1980s nearly every movie broadcast in the UK had cuts, even if it was shown after 9:00pm

In late August, 1966, the uncut Italian version of Texas addio was rated VM18 ‘‘per le numerosissime scene di violenza, di efferata crudeltà e di sadismo’’. Three weeks later the rating became VM14, with cuts. A second version with new cuts but same running time due to a couple of additions was released in July 1972.

In the versions I know at least three scenes are cut: hot-branding on shoulder, pistol-whipping and death of Pedro.

As for L’ultimo killer, three scenes were modified to obtain the original T rating (all ages admitted).


Thank you J C … this is the type of historical information that I find most interesting - Molto grazie :cowboy_hat_face:

As I thought, family friendly stuff at its finest.

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What did they cut in The Great Silence? When I watched some of it, the sex scene was intact. I was puzzled why it wasn’t edited since they were showing it around 11am.

Never mind. I read the other comments. :slight_smile:

Really liked this one. Much better than Vari‘s POS Shoot the Living & Pray for the Dead. Looking forward to getting the Koch DVD so I can see this in Italian.

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Smart dialogue, well acted, but I didn’t get a feel for much of the countryside. Plus the beginning seemed disjointed from the rest of the film. I’d have the outlaws harassing ‘an old man with a harmonica’, so it could aesthetically tie-in with Django’s retirement-muse about revisiting the old man with the harmonica from his youth… as Ramon waxes philosophical about both ‘narratives’. Ghidra’s performance makes it a 7-out-of-10.

Were you guys here really comparing this little movie to the Day of Anger? :stuck_out_tongue: I think the themes of the both movies are not even the same. Yes there are similarities as there are similarities between almost any other two spaghetti westerns. There is a mentor who shares his experience with his student. Well that is about it. The theme of the Day of Anger is raising from the lowest possible position to the highest by means that are not exactly morally acceptable. But was there another way? It also delivers a message that well respected rich people might be and many indeed are rotten to the core. This makes the movie timeless. (Should have watched this movie b4 op.). Becoming a gunfighter is a mean to tell the story while in the Last Killer it is the story itself. The Last Killer is a revenge movie while in the Day of Anger revenge is just a plot point to finish the story. The main motive for the Gemma character’s actions during the movie is to be respected, it is not a revenge.

If you want it in points The Last Killer gets ass kicked.
Day of Anger vs Last Killer

  • iconic musical score vs annoying musical score
  • iconic actors vs ok actors (prob. Eastman’s best role though)
  • excellent production and locations vs average production and locations
  • big budget vs low budget
  • hero rides a mule vs hero rides a mule TIE!
  • pretended animal cruelty (Gemma pretending beating a mule) vs real animal cruelty (Eastman riding a mule) :slight_smile:
  • timeless movie’s theme vs generic revenge story
  • silly and funny gun lessons vs more realistic approach + some added cheese
  • energetic storytelling vs tiresome storytelling

Is there really any competition? The only thing that I’d say is better about The Last Killer is it is not as choppy/episodic as Day of Anger in the middle of the movie. It has more coherent storytelling but at the same time it is also more tiring.