Death Walks in Laredo / Tre pistole contro Cesare (Enzo Peri, 1967)


According to - The Wild Coyote release has English audio. Could anyone confirm that?

I canā€™t confirm one way or another but I doubt it. Amazon is very unreliable when it comes to film specs.

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German and Italian. English subtitles, according to the distributor

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Cool, however my experience with Wild Coyoteā€™s English subs is not very good. Their Sonora release is a mess to say at least.

Yeah, that was terrible.

yea not the greatest ā€œlabelā€ā€¦

Death Walks in Laredo has been updated to the new layout (3.0). Let us know if you can add anything: pictures, posters, trivia, facts, figures, links, etcā€¦


Watched this film recently. Been aiming to see it for awhile upon reading about how crazy it is. Which it is, but itā€™s not like absolute brilliant insanity. Despite the four barreled guns, sloppily done martial arts, telepathy, and a bad guy who fashions himself a Roman emperor, itā€™s sorta just mildly entertaining.

If youā€™re a fan of some of the more ā€œout thereā€ spaghetti westerns like I am, thereā€™s something to enjoy here, but otherwise itā€™s just kinda niche. I would 100% vouche for a bluray release though. This is the exact kind of multi-genre insanity that cult film home video groups love to promote.

As for the soundtrack by Marcello Giombini, I quite like it, although the Morricone mimicry is laid on a bit thick.

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I finally watched this pretty strange spaghetti western genre mashup with a sword and sandal/peplum Caesar villain, a martial artist, a guy with a gun that can shoot 4 people at once, and a hypnotist gun fighter, it may not be the greatest Italian western but its got be one of the bizarre out of them which very much helps make it an fairly entertaining watch!

This movie is the kind of bizarre genre mash-ups that I live for!

Also here is a link to a great video essay on this film that should give you an idea if you should watch it or not!

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