Death Sentence / Sentenza di morte (Mario Lanfranchi, 1968)

I got this film yesterday on the Koch Media label.
it runs 90 min, is in 2.35:1 ratio and has italian and german sound. English subtitles is available.

The film is not a common SW it consists of 4 acts. In each act our hero deals with (kills) a different kind of villan.
The film has it’s moments , but it’s also uneven in quality. In the final act Tomas Milian goes beserk as a maniac hungry for gold and blonds, that kind of overdid it for me.


For more info visit:
Database page: Sentenza di morte - The Spaghetti Western Database

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A highly unusual soundtrack for an SW as well. I’d recommend it too.

Great film :).

Hope so.
I own the Koch DVD for quite some time, but haven’t watched it yet
Don’t know why, it’s one of those films that keep lying on the shelve

Lets hope so…but I am sure you will have many things to say about this one :).

I have the same situation with a couple of my discs aswell…

Solid movie all around. I loved the opening scene with Clarke and Conti. The use of the four acts was excellent and it had a very minimalist feeling to it. There was only one other character that attempts to help or warn Cash/Django in it. I liked that.

A very good SW. The only episode which didn’t convinced me was the part with Celi as Priest. The figure of the bad priest as gang chief was quite good and I wished to see a whole SW with a character like that but the episode wasn’t as interesting as the other three. :wink:

A film with a kind of badass reverend colt is a cool idea!

I think, the episode with Celi is verrrry nice especially because of the bullet-scene.

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Have you viewed yet Scherpschutter ?


But I promise you to watch it ASAP

(I’m working on a review of another movie, but then it’ll be DS, which is, of course, something completely different from SD, the code that will be haunting - some of - us forever :wink: )

I am eagerly waiting for the German DVD to arrive, i’m sure i won’t disappointed by this movie

The scenes with Celi are quite good but in a way convential next to other episodes. I don’t want to spoil but in all the other episodes Django (or Cash) kills his enemies with a plan (and he somehow demoralizes them) but in the Reverend scene it was more with luck. He couldn’t knew before that the Reverend will shoot him in his leg.

I also enjoyed that Django isn’t a Hero. He is like a villain (Nemesis) by himself. A very entertaining Movie.

To put it short: This one is a goodie

Yea, you’re right, in the other episodes he uses the weaknesses of the baddies to eliminate them… but there’s the bullet-scene :wink:

Both Film Review and DVD Review are available now:

One of the finest SW’s i have seen. 9.5/10 I really liked how theatrical the whole film was.

It’s a very good one indeed, maybe not 9.5 good in my opinion, but very good.

I had the german DVD, but haven’t found the time to watch it until today. It’s indeed a great sw that never gets boring. Very moody and with an excellent unusual score that fits quite well with the whole atmosphere. The second part with the gambler was my favourite. I kept wondering though how the movie would be with Garko or some other more well-known spaghetti actor in the leading role. Clarke was pretty fine, but there some moments that it seemed that his blood wasn’t exactly boiling for revenge, not a major flaw anyway.

It gets a solid 8.5/10 from me.

I thought the music for this one was great but not for this one…If it got a better score I would rate this even higher but a good film all over that I’ve been able to rewatch two time already and be consistently involved in…

I thought it fit well myself.