California (Michele Lupo, 1977)

Sorry to keep posting screenshots, but in the interest of accuracy on the releases I must correct my earlier comparison between the Koch and Japanese blu rays. The Koch blu certainly looks better than their DVD, but it actually looks quite similar to the Japanese blu ray except it has no DNR applied where the Japanese looks more filtered. The Koch blu ray is also (extremely slightly) cropped at the edges for some reason. I didnā€™t have the Japan Blu myself & was previously relying on someone else who did, and apparently the screenshots were not accurate to the Japanese release quality. Here is a corrected comparison between these two:

(to clarify, my previous screenshots from the Japan blu ray are in fact from that release, they just lack the detail present on the actual disc)

Koch top / Japan bottom

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I think Iā€™d probably be happy with either :slight_smile:

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Yeah, the differences seem minimal. I prefer the Koch based on the lack of DNR but the Japanese disc isnā€™t much different looking otherwise.

This movieā€™s page in the SWDb has been upgraded to the new ā€œSWDb 3.0ā€ format (thanks @Carlos ). Please have a look and let us know if thereā€™s something you can add (information, trivia, links, pictures, etc.).

Californiaā€™s first post in the thread has been updated and a poll has been added. Happy voting.

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I just watched this one again.
If someone could update the main page: California

At least some of the ā€œfilming locationsā€ were set at:

Elios Film Studios
Capranica Prenestina


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One plot point of this movie confuses me. The Chris Avram character is a journalist at the beginning and by the end of the movie he is the head of the federal troops. I donā€™t believe the transition was ever explained. Was he just undercover at the start to gather information?

Yes, pretty much.