I’ve been scourging the South-Spanish deserts and mountains for a month now, and was lucky enough (a tip from Richard from Tucotours!) to find a few antique bullets on the Good, the bad & the Ugly opening scene location. (Where tuco jumps through the glass).
They are all used blanks, except one which does not have a triggermark.
I found mostly regular pistol sized bullets (.38 and 9mm), but also one 320 type.
The markings are as follows :
SB .38
.38 SPL, SB AF
RWS 9mm
RWS 320
I know for a fact that the Colt 1851 navy edition that Tuco uses in that scene is available in a converted 9mm version. I do not know what weapons the others use, and have no idea where the 320 rounds (Only one, while I have a hand full of the others - took me 5 hrs of searching though) were used for.
It is feasable that they tried various scenes and options, one might have included a small rifle which they dismissed on the set after a few tries, or ditched in the editing room.
Afaik this site has only been used by the GBU opening, not by other films or commercials. It’s very easy to recognise the surroundings.
Fun detail : The bullets were always arranged in packs of 5 or 6 within a 40 cm. Probably when they emptied the pistol.
Curious of anyone here can shine some light on the marks and types of bullets!
phil & john : I do feel quite lucky, trust me :). But it did take a lot of effort after the initial luck to find more than just one or two…so I pride myself in being persistant.
Imagine being in a totaly isolated place somewhere in the mountains with 35 degrees, sun right above you and only the flies and howling wind as company. I can tell you that after a whole afternoon you start to feel very very akward.
It almost felt like I was in the movie as Tuco or Blondie, wandering in the desert. Does make you appreciate they shot it all in the warmest months of the year in full garment, doing long working days…
Anyways, I found several more items which I will photograph and identify in the following months. On this GBU site I found water bottle tops with italian ingravements! My best find after the bullets…
Not keeping it all for myself - I will bundle the bullets and other rare items with the first 50 versions of my photobook somewhere next year. But ofc. I will keep one for myself
My best guess is the SB ON the .38 rounds is a designation for blanks (just a guess really). Most manufacturers put the calibre and a few letters to designate the company. WIN for Winchester and so on. I think that would be the RWS on the auto cartridges. Not familiar with what company would put AF on the .38.