[Blu-ray] Latest and Upcoming Releases šŸ“€

Yeah itā€™s that. Great documentary

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Also note how it says international cut and extended cuts (plural)


Can it mean the original italian cut is included?? :astonished::crossed_fingers:
That would be fantistic!

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Good eye Seb! Letā€™s keep our fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

OK back at home now, burger eaten, laptop on and working all these into the database. Seems like they will officially announce and publish all the details next month.
Done: all details in the database


Whoooo - I might double dip for these if they have the Italian versions with English subtitles. And if FAFDM is uncut and if TGTBTU has several different versions on it. I will wait for the full specs.

I did, at one point watch the first 10m of TGTBTU in Italian on You Tube and the background soundtrack was quite different in the Angel Eyes/Stevens scene. More sounds in the Italian.

Oh wowā€¦these look nice!!! I like that they are all coming separately in nice releases!


I hate that they release a trilogy in separate releases. Havenā€™t got any of the current 4K releases though so will get them but a bad decision by Arrow in my book.

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Kino also wasnā€™t able to do a box. I am siding with those in the last 24h that have assumed that this may in fact be a contractual limitation

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Anyway, just ordered all 3 4K editions.


As we all should :slight_smile: Not sure if thereā€™ll be Amazon UK links any time soon to support the SWDb with as The Hut is on the war path with Amazon :slight_smile:

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These all look great but I donā€™t have a 4k TV or player so will hold off buying until I do. Not sure when that might be. I donā€™t replace TVs until they stop working.


Ecstatic to see that Arrow are releasing the ā€˜Dollarsā€™ Trilogyā€¦Iā€™ve just pre-ordered all three on standard Blurayā€¦

Arrow have had the chance to learn from everone elseā€™s mistakes, my expectations are high.
I pre-ordered the Blu-Rays.


I forgot who it was but I did see a post from someone who is working on them and they confirmed it was indeed a contractual obligation.

So it has been a long time since I ordered direct from Arrow. Do they ship when an item is available or group them? These are all coming different dates so curious.

Is the ā€œskeletons in the desertā€ -scene and the ā€œoptical flipā€ (extras on kino-disc) supposed to be in the italian cut?
Or where they never part of any version at all?

Iā€™m pretty sure the skeleton in the desert wasnā€™t - the extra footage in the Italian version were just those additional scenes once extras on the DVD.

There was at least one optical flip in the International Cut.

The skeletons scene was part of the original Italian release version. Also the longer torture scene. 35 mm copies exist amongst fans.

The flip cut was excusively in the shorter UA version, the international version.