[Blu-ray] Latest and Upcoming Releases 📀

Does anyone know what the clues are for the next Western All’Arrabbiata are at the moment? I’ve been scanning Plaion Pictures’ Facebook feed, and while the site translates anything written in German, French, Italian, etc., I haven’t found a thing yet. I’d like to see if I can guess the title from the clues. Thanks to anyone who can help.

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there are none. There will be riddles this month, just like with the first two via some youtuber influencers who will likely get another round of those surprise packages. stay tuned. us experts will as always guess it in a second

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I’m just an advocate for flawlessness on celluloid :slightly_smiling_face:


I still don’t know whether you’re being serious :thinking: :laughing:

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Severin is also announcing tomorrow. If they will do a SW? we shall see

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Black Emanuelle more likely. Guess I will see what Arrow has first.

The Plaion riddle will be on this channel today: Lazer City Lights - YouTube


here go riddle

Are they saying its They Call Me Hallelujah? Can’t get any subtitles captions on the vid.

haven’t watched it yet (work), but not sure how deep their spaghetti knowledge goes :wink: let’s post our our own clues and tips. I will stay silent because I’ve known for months :wink:

Ah, okay. I only skimmed it to the end. Don’t know what the riddle is though, need a translator.

It could be Spirito Santo from Carnimeo with Gianni Garko, I think


It’s about an actor that did both Monster Shark and Graf Dracula (beißt jetzt) in Oberbayern. There is also that familiar pseudonym.

Garko was in Monster Shark and in Graf Dracula.
The pseudonym Anthony Ascott stands for Carnimeo


Ah well that’s a shame then.

The official announcement will follow on Wednesday, btw.

Hints from the video (they come in six envelopes), summarized in English for lack of subtitles:

  1. they have cards that say “PA”, “TA” and “ZA” and need to combine these to make sense (easy, at least they guessed Zapata but couldn’t name a single movie and didnt seem to be aware that this is in fact a historical figure)
  2. Mexican flag
  3. they have cards that say “thony”, “cott”, and “an… as…”, also easy as that gives away the pseudonym of the director,and they correctly guess it but they aren’t familiar with the name.
  4. they have three cards that name “actor from xxx” with three examples (German titles): “Monster Shark”, “Dracula bites in upper Bavaria” and “Django the Bastard”. starts with G and ends in arko, but they didn’t guess it, and they aren’t aware of the decade Monster Shark is from :slight_smile:
    Then they use their first “joker” and do one google search for “anthony ascott zapata”, but their results are mostly shit, not sure what they use for a search. It does produce movie by Anthony Ascott :slight_smile: it leads them to … not the right movie :wink: They use their phone joker to confirm that A. Ascott is the director.
  5. lets them open a covered part of the package of the actual movie. their packages are each covered at slightly different positions. see screenshot below. The SWDb has a few high res posters of GArko/Ascott movies so this will be easy to identify and hard to miss if you have the poster found in the database here. They are on the wrong path because the movie they googled, while an Ascott movie, isn’t a Garko movie.
  6. not being opened because it was either opening parts of the package or open enveolope 6.


So yeah, the bet on the wrong movie probably, because they didn’t take the hints with the actor seriously enough.

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Unreleated, but this Playzocker guy must be one of the most annoying persons on Youtube I’ve encountered. And everytime you look up a German release on ofdb.de nowadays, the only review listed is a video with this guy acting like he’s on some kind of drugs. Why do labels keep sending him movies to review.

Or maybe they are trying desperately to conceal this movie from experts like you. :cowboy_hat_face:

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I think the point is to create a buzz among the younger audiences who get their disc news from such channels, and not throw info to the experts who guess it in five seconds but have no social media followers :slight_smile:


Cheers, Seb. When you put it all like that it seems pretty obvious, that last pic also looks like the white cloak he wears in the poster.