Best westerns of the 90's

heres my top ten ,whats yours??? THe unforgiven…Tombstone…The quick and the dead…Deadman…Quigley down under…blind justice…Wild Bill…Last outlaw…Desperate trail…wyatt Earp.

Wild Bill

can’t think of much more ive seen.

My favorites:
Dead man
Jonathan of the Bears

Desperado is worth mentioning too. Not a western but very close in style.

Best of the 90’s are:




And I suspect I will like JONATHAN OF THE BEARS when I get to see it.

Some more interesting westerns in the 90s, but also not too much.

Black Robe
Dances with Wolves
The Last of the Mohicans
Wild Bill
Silent Tongue
The Quick and the Dead
The Ballad of Little Joe

I haven’t seen The Good Old Boys from Tommy Lee Jones.
The rest is disappointing, some films like Bad Girls are wasting interesting ideas.

All in all nothing new, the genre remains dead.

From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman’s Daughter, spaghetti mixed with horror. Pretty good stuff.

Dusk Til Dawn 3 was way better than it had any right to be, I was pleasantly surprised.

Dead Man

Didn’t add much.

I think the nineties actually offered some very good westerns and for a while there it seemed like the genre was making a real comeback. ‘Unforgiven’ is, for me, one of the all time great westerns and although I wouldn’t make that claim for ‘Dances with Wolves’ it was still a good picture. I think most have already been mentioned here but ‘Deadman’, ‘Wild Bill’, ‘Tombstone’, ‘Silent Tongue’ and ’ Ballad of Little Jo’ are all worth a watch from this decade.
Others not mentioned which are also worth a watch are:

The Jack Bull
Buffalo Soldiers
Into the Badlands (an interesting mix of western and supernatural)
Dollar for the Dead (What’s your opinions of this “tribute to Leone”?)
Young Guns II

[quote=“Phil H, post:8, topic:536”]I think the nineties actually offered some very good westerns and for a while there it seemed like the genre was making a real comeback. ‘Unforgiven’ is, for me, one of the all time great westerns and although I wouldn’t make that claim for ‘Dances with Wolves’ it was still a good picture. I think most have already been mentioned here but ‘Deadman’, ‘Wild Bill’, ‘Tombstone’, ‘Silent Tongue’ and ’ Ballad of Little Jo’ are all worth a watch from this decade.
Others not mentioned which are also worth a watch are:

The Jack Bull
Buffalo Soldiers
Into the Badlands (an interesting mix of western and supernatural)
Dollar for the Dead (What’s your opinions of this “tribute to Leone”?)
Young Guns II[/quote]
I didn’t care much for The Jack Bull, found it too dramatic, too many cliches and too long.
Buffalo Soldiers is not a western! At least, not the Joaquin Phoenix one. That’s a fun movie though.
Dollar for the Dead. I liked it, sort of. It’s not great, but it doesn’t pretend to be.
I liked both the Young Guns, for different reasons. The first one is more of a Hollywood thing though.

You’re thinking of a different Buffalo Soldiers. Confusing when there are more than one film with the same title. The one I meant was a western about Black Cavalry soldiers starring Danny Glover made in around 1997. I think it may have been originally made for TV.

My bad. I’ve looked it up:

Doesn’t sound very interesting to me though, I think I’ll stick to the Joaquin Phoenix and Ed Harris one.

The strange death of Johnny Ringo-in both movies Tombstone and wyatt earp johnny ringo is showed being killed by doc holliday but in reality his death is a mystery.His death was ruled a suicide when he was examined after being found slumped beneath a large oak ,a lone bullet to the head.but here are a few details that shed doubt on that,he was found with a “death grip” on his pistol usually the gun falls from the hand in a suicide,there were no powder burns on him,a gun held to the head would have left such markings.there was a only five cartridges in his six shooter but it was a common practice to keep the chamber where the firing pin rested unloaded because jarring could cause these pistols to go off. also some strange details:his gun belt was on upside down,his boots were missing, his feet bloody and wrapped in strips from his shirt, there was also a cut on his head as though someone had started to scalp him.some think it was holliday or earp or a number of others who may have done him in.Ringo was buried under the tree where he was found and still rest there today.

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I’d add Ravenous to the list. It’s starting to get a cult following.