Arrapaho (Ciro Ippolito, 1984)

Just spotted this 80’s film from the database

Anyone seen it? The review from the imdb made me curious, sounds like a very bad film.

It's hard to understand this B-movie if you didn't grow up in the '70s and '80s in Italy. Most of the script is made by vulgar puns, bad musical numbers, homophobic sketches, references to then-contemporary Italian popular culture, and abundantly naked women.

OK, you can look at the naked women, but what is most enjoyable is the pure nonsense. And the lack of a recognizable plot. And the very, very, very low budget. Director Ciro Ippolito proudly declared “I made the worst Italian movie ever, in the worst moment ever of Italian movie-making.”

You won’t believe anyone could make a movie like this, and actually release it in theatres (two. In one the release was 3 hours late, as the film was being brought by car by the director itself, who got stuck in a traffic jam.)

Some random quotes to illustrate the concept:

Indian Chief: “Son, who do you like more, daddy or mommy?” Son: “Pippo Baudo!”

Narrator: “In the meanwhile, among the chestnut trees, an ass was wandering.”

Arrapaho (kissing his girl): “I feel you are very nervous, what’s up?” Girl: “It’s four days since I last shitted!”

It is so hopelessly bad that it became a cult movie straight away. And it was intended to be.

Certainly not a SW, in all honesty I’m not sure that it falls under the Eurowestern category (and that is a good thing!)… ;D

The title is Arrapaho instead of Arapaho because the Italian word ‘Arrapato’ means horny.

[url]Arrapaho (Trailer) - YouTube

Film looks pretty far out :smiley: .

I concur. I’m actually harboring a hankering to see it! :o

Copying my thoughts about the film from spagvemberfest topic:

-I wanted to see something new this time and ended up with this insane 80’s comedy, it’s a borderline case if you can call it a western though. Main story is a indian spoof but there’s also inserts of sketches set in modern times, I got the feeling that some of them were parodies of commercials. I watched it in italian without subtitles so I didn’t understand any of the long babbling dialogues but still… the film is sooo bad. Indians have big fallos as their totem, there’s gay indians and lots of fart jokes. Music was kinda good and there’s pretty girls and nudity for the plus side.
My rating: 2/10

So this just came out

a bit different from the DVD (the DVD was region free, had a more scope aspect ratio and I think also a commentary)