Alternative Top 20

And, of course, here’s an updated alternate list to balance things out (as well as please @Phil_H). I believe I am following all the nuanced little rules to this thread … :wink:

  1. Arizona Colt. (in my top20)

  2. A Pistol for Ringo. (in my top20)

  3. Massacre Time. (in my top20)

  4. Kill Them All and Come Back Alone. (also in my top20)

  5. My Name is Pecos.

  6. God Forgives … I Don’t.

  7. And God Said to Cain.

  8. Blindman.

  9. Bandidos.

  10. A Man Called Sledge.

  11. The Ugly Ones.

  12. Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead.

  13. Vengeance.

  14. Ace High.

  15. The Grand Duel.

  16. Navajo Joe.

  17. Run, Man, Run.

  18. May God Forgive You … I Won’t.

  19. Requiem for a Gringo.

  20. The Forgotten Pistolero.

Would have included A Bullet for the General at #12 and Cemetery Without Crosses at #17 if not for the rule on omission of the top 18 of the official 20.

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  1. Shoot the Living and Pray for the Dead
  2. Blindman
  3. Run, Man, Run
  4. Red Sun
  5. Bullets Don’t Argue
  6. Kill Them All and Come Back Alone
  7. California
  8. Take a Hard Ride
  9. Tequila Joe
  10. Mannaja
  11. Today It’s Me, Tomorrow It’s You
  12. Any Gun Can Play
  13. God Made Them, I Kill Them
  14. Alive or Preferably Dead
  15. Apache Woman
  16. Pistol for Ringo
  17. Ruthless Four
  18. Cut Throats Nine
  19. Navajo Joe
  20. Django, Prepare a Coffin
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Last call before the new year update

OK, all updated and links (hopefully) fixed.

Some minor position shuffling but only real change sees Dead Men Ride drop out and The Grand Duel take its place.

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Phil, what of the intro text could be moved below the actual list and what can be kept up top? there is so much text there. I guess the “what is this list” text can stay and then a hint that how it can be contributed to “see below” and then moved?

I agree but am flummoxed as to how to reduce it and still make it clear what this list is actually suppose to be. :woozy_face: :confounded:

My latest idea is to say “just give me your top 40 list of all your favourite spaghetti westerns and I’ll sort your Alternative Top 20 from that based on the rules that apparently only I understand” :weary:

That should keep it short

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hm but I mean there are two audiences for this list: the main one looking at the list, and then a fraction of that is the group of people who’d like to know how to contribute their own. And those few folks we refer to the bottom of the page, leaving just a small introductory sentence at the top good enough for most people. I went ahead and did it. What do you think?

Yeah, that’s nice, Seb. Real sharp and tidy. :ok_hand:

Yes, good idea to separate. Definitely looks better.
I still need to find a better way of explaining how to submit a list though. Will give it some more thought

It must be made clearer that every film of the personal Top20 for the other voting is also not only allowed but requested. That the personal top 20 should be the starting point for the compiling of the alternative top 20 by then only excluding those 18.

Maybe you should ask every contributor per PM if he has really done so.

We should have an SWDb community checklist, like 10 things everyone should do. this would include voting for the official and alternative top 20s, cracking TL1 in the forum, following the SWDb on social media, making a content contribution or correction to the database and… what else could we think of to haze new fraternity members :stuck_out_tongue:

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How about this:

Easy 3 step process for submitting your Alternative Top 20 list.

  1. Create a list of your 40 all time favourite Spaghetti Westerns
  2. Subtract all titles from the list below (this would be the 18 solid entrants in the Official Top 20)
  3. Submit the remaining films as your Alternative Top 20 entrants. (It doesn’t matter if there are more than 20. This will even out and makes things simpler)


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That’s not a bad idea. Only, like you said, there could be a couple more than 20 - or even closer to 30 - depending on peoples preference toward the official top20 (18). Might not necessarily be a bad thing though???

That’s what I was thinking. At least it should be a real reflection of favourites. I’ve often felt some people vote for some more “left field” picks just to add something different rather than the films they actually think are the best. Or at least the ones they enjoy the most.

Of the 214 films which have recieved votes 66 have only ever recieved 1. That seems a bit odd to me but who knows.

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Funny, the big list features at the moment also a total of exactly 214 films with 63 only named once out of 200 lists.

That is a very odd coincedence.
Only 72 lists for me so a lot more diversity per entrance. Which I suppose is not so surprising

A belated update I should have posted back in November:

  1. I quattro dell’apocalisse, Lucio Fulci (1975);
  2. La banda J. & S. cronaca criminale del Far West, Sergio Corbucci (1972);
  3. Tepepa, Giulio Petroni (1968);
  4. California, Michele Lupo (1977);
  5. Prega il morto e ammazza il vivo, Giuseppe Vari (1971);
  6. Una pistola per Ringo, Duccio Tessari (1965);
  7. La taglia è tua… l’uomo l’ammazzo io, Edoardo Mulargia (1969);
  8. Réquiem para el gringo, José Luis Merino (1968);
  9. Arizona Colt, Michele Lupo (1966);
  10. Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte, Gianfranco Parolini (1968);
  11. Gli Specialisti, Sergio Corbucci (1969);
  12. Black Jack, Gianfranco Baldanello (1968);
  13. Blindman, Ferdinando Baldi (1971);
  14. C’è Sartana… vendi la pistola e comprati la bara, Giuliano Carnimeo (1970);
  15. Un uomo, un cavallo, una pistola, Luigi Vanzi (1967);
  16. Buon funerale, amigos!.. paga Sartana, Giuliano Carnimeo (1970);
  17. Oggi a me… domani a te!, Tonino Cervi (1968);
  18. La sfida dei MacKenna, León Klimovsky (1970);
  19. Dio non paga il sabato, Tanio Boccia (1967);
  20. L’ultimo killer, Giuseppe Vari (1967);

I’ll be updating my Alternative Top 20 on Black Friday 2023 as I have a slew of new purchases I’m saving for Spagvember Fest. Will the list change drastically, or will some titles be just too hard to topple? Let’s wait and see. :wink:

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Oh shit that’s right the fest is approaching. Time flies… Unfortunately November has become my standard vacation month… I might have to pre-fest