Almeria - The Return

Who fancies Almeria again in the summer and staying at the Hostel Alba again?

I fancy it a great deal. But unless my euromillions ticket comes up it ain’t gonna happen for me. :’(

I think, when the ticket comes up, you’ll invite us all to that trip, don’t ya?


[quote=“Reverend Danite, post:4, topic:2198”]Me.[/quote]nice one

[quote=“Phil H, post:2, topic:2198”]I fancy it a great deal. But unless my euromillions ticket comes up it ain’t gonna happen for me. :’([/quote]your fortunes may change by the summer Phil, you never know. :wink:

We can but live in hope Yod.

I’ll try to go there in the summer too. It is not that far for me, I actually feel kind of shame not being there yet.

I have sort of a plan to shoot a little part of my next western there,
and hope to work there on one of the new Dutch westerns…

I fancy it for sure but I don’t think I can afford it…I’m not giving up hope though.

Can you ballpark a date, I’ll start looking into it and seeing if it’s feasible. Man would I love to go!

Not really, summer sometime

Fancy it? Yes!
But, can it be done? No. :frowning:
Zero money.
It will likely be two or more years before I can go back to Los Albaricoques and visit with Senor Manuel.

Some day…

Any more thoughts on this?

Unfortunately the same thoughts as before.
I’d love to but my finances won’t allow it this year. :frowning:

Will be traveling there during June’s first week! :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“Phil H, post:14, topic:2198”]Unfortunately the same thoughts as before.
I’d love to but my finances won’t allow it this year. :([/quote]That’s a damn shame Phil.

It would have been good for the same crew to go again.

[quote=“Yodlaf Peterson, post:16, topic:2198”]That’s a damn shame Phil.

It would have been good for the same crew to go again.[/quote]

Yes, one day I hope we can do that again. That was a great trip.

As I wrote on the other thread, I will be in spain from 22th of June to 8th of July. The car ride from my place to Almeria is almost 12 hours. Its not impossible but a quite a long ride alone. Anyway, if anyone is going please post here. Maybe I’ll join.

Colmenar viejo would be my first choice, since I havent seen those locations yet.

I am in spain for sure between 17th of September and 25 October. However that will mostly be around Madrid!

Possibly (trying to arrange) I will go in August for two weeks to the south only, so it would be nice to meet up with you guys at hostal Alba :slight_smile:

Tuesday starts my spaghetti route of year 2010. Plans have changed, and first I will be at Ciudad Encantada in Cuenca to see one of the Il Mercenario locations. Wednesday I will go to Albaricoques and spend three nights there. So if anyone is around, please write here. Maybe we can go for a location search together.