Alex Cox announces his last movie and you can get involved

I’m sure a lot of you will be aware but for those of you who aren’t… Director Alex Cox recently announced what will quite possibly be his last movie and it’s going to be a western, with filming in Spain and America. The story is complete and a few people have already signed … as an independent it is being at least part funded via Kickstarter and with just under a month left it has already surpassed the initial $75,000 but obviously that isn’t enough to make a feature film on two continents so it is still running and there is still some great swag to be bagged for anyone wanting to get involved.

Have a look over at Alex Cox: My Last Movie - Kickstarter

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I can’t in good conscience give money to a man that has Don’t Touch the White Woman in his Top 20 list of Spaghetti Westerns. :wink:


Ahh fair enough, I’ve not seen that myself but it doesn’t look particularly promising :wink:


The most interesting thing about this project for us here is probably that Gianni Garko is connected to it. As I understand it, he isn’t 100% nailed down to it but has been having protracted talks and has discussed the script. I know Alex is very keen to have him involved

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Yes definitely Phil, I very much hope this part of the project comes to fruition too