A Stranger in Town / Un dollaro tra i denti (Luigi Vanzi, 1967)

Iā€™ll have to check it out. I was always reticent to try the series because I thought it was all a comedy but after the first film I plan to watch them all.

And ethical, and elegant.

Funnily enough, his name was actually Aguilar in the subtitled version which I thought was great. Now I know where A Town Called Bastard got it from.

A Stranger in Town has been updated to the new layout (3.0). Let us know if you can add anything: pictures, posters, trivia, facts, figures, links, etcā€¦


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I watched A Stranger in Town on Sunday night having never seen it before. It started off with the stranger walking through the deserted town and into some buildings and bar with the great tune in the background. Two great tunes in the background for this movie. After some mildly amusing scenes he looks out and the religious procession takes place and the bandit chief Wolff appears. I started to think at this stage there was a comedic aspect to it but then some strong violent scenes occur! Later a savage beating for the stranger, one of the most vicious of the genre perhaps. Wolff is a slightly over the top but vicious enough villian. The female bandit with the mannish hairdo is also quite nasty. Good performance from Anthony, he is enjoyable in the role. I enjoyed the Stranger in Town, not much dialogue but certainly enough to keep going with. A solid 3 stars and I look forward to checking out the sequels.


Thereā€™s now a quality English-language version of this on YouTube (Posted as A Stranger in Town, but I will always think of it as For a Dollar in the Teeth. I mean, cā€™monā€¦).

I first saw this film 30 years ago as a fuzzy VHS copy with Scandinavian subtitles, and it hit the spot for me even then - it feels odd to be watching such a pristine print of it! The Strangerā€™s ā€˜real-timeā€™ escape from Aguilaā€™s lair slows things up a bit (as does Djangoā€™s real-time escape with the gold in Corbucciā€™s film, come to that), and his posing-as-an-army officer stratagem doesnā€™t bear thinking through, but otherwise its gritty, brutal simplicity really pays off. Staig and Williams were right to describe it as a ā€œgrotesque imitationā€ of A Fistul of Dollars, but I never get tired of watching it.