5 spaghetties that hit you in the face like a wet salami

I would like to know your top 5 of spaghetties , that broke something inside of you.
There were so many spaghetties made and most of them are trash! I started to like this garne because (like most of us) I loved the sergio leone movies. when I compare the movies that I watch now(the unknown spaghetti titels) with the leone flics, than they are 2 differnt worlds!

5 movies that hit me in the face like a wet salami:

on the first place…tatatatatataaaaaaa!
Günter Hendels master piece - Ein lange ritt nach eden! - great haircuts, great acting(cast of 6!), great locations!
number two!
José Luis Merino´s - Europa canta - cool songs, great dancing! watch out for these bad guys!
number three - he still belongs to the top!
Demofilo Fidani´s - Giù la testa… hombre - you can feel that there is something growing between jeff and jack
number four!
Ferdinando Baldi´s- get mean - vikings and mongools fighting in spain!under command of an english crippled called william (yes from william shakespear!) ???
And than on number five
Michele Lupo - buddy goes west - I never experienced something so irritating as that indian who talks in his own made up language)

offcours there are more movies, but these came up to me when I was posting this subject!
Convince me with your top 5 ! spit it out and led us know!

Fidani: Strange Tale of Minnesota Stinky
Fidani: Savage Guns
Fidani: Four Came to Kill Sartana
Fidani: One Damned Day at Dawn…
Fidani: Shadow of Sartana…


what did you find so terrible about these movies bill? can you give some nice details?

I often find by the fidani flics the poor lokations and the to long fighting scenes scenes very anoying! :wink:

Actually I love Fidani films (I really do!) because they’re so bad. They remind me of my childhood when we made some short flicks with video camera. We were very enthusiastic when making them but they we’re awful, shot in one day without script.

Fidani films have some charm in them anyway and usually great cast. Strange characters and side-plots with nothing to do with the movie. Fist fights which lasts forever and over the top acting always when anybody gets shot.

and offcours one acters (for example klaus kinski )that is on the movie poster as the movie is all about him.
As in the movie he only has a very small uninportant role, he appierce for 5 min eating an appel and goes again!

I dont remember what fidani it is, but it only excist outof fragments from other fidani films! I believe its the django story! A sort of best of fidani!

Today I got - Straniero… fatti il segno della croce!- in german. and also for a book of dollars, shoot also be a very bad movie!

Alot of people find tedeum from Enzo G. Castellari very bad, and I admid, it is very bad. but in time I have started to find it an very plesent movie, I even like it!

My top 5 ‘Trash-Westerns’ :

  1. La tigre venuta dal fiume Kwai (Der Regulator) - Franco Lattanzi
  2. Sei bounty killers per una strage (Zahl und stirb) - Franco Lattanzi
  3. … E il terzo giorno arrivo’ il corvo (On the third day arrived the crow / Crow) - Gianni Crea
  4. Il mio nome e Mallory … M come morte (Mallory must not die / Django - Unerbittlich bi zum Tod) - Mario Moroni
  5. Giu le mani … carogna (Django story / Halleluja pfeifft das Lied vom Sterben / Der tödliche Schatten) - Demofilo Fidani

There are a lot more really sorry and crappy SW out there, I tried to nail it down to a top 5 !!!
Also have a look at my topic ‘Trash-Westerns’ (Overall discussions) !!!

halleleja die todliche schatten is indeed terrible! I really wonder with wath intention these movies were made! I cant imagen that the producers of these movies were thinking they were making movie classics here!

a few days ago I saw “3 nons in canses city”! ai ai ai! this movie stinks! big time! plus the quality of the dvdr was very bad! it looked like it was recorded from tv somewere in 1984 and than copied 20 times!

too bad its so hard to find video covers or movie posters of these extreme bad movies!

You name the game, tom !!! It’s really hard to get the really crappy movies, even harder to get promotion-stuff !!!
I’d like to add some Fidani, Lattanzi, Crea, Moroni stuff to my collection !!!

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he bluntwolf

I have these from fidani
Demofilo Fidani (1967) Bekreuzige dich fremde = Straniero… fatti il segno della croce! (German)
Demofilo Fidani (1968) And now make peace with god = Ed ora… raccomanda l’anima a Dio!
Demofilo Fidani (1969) Four came to kill Sartana = …e vennero in quattro per uccidere Sartana!
Demofilo Fidani (1969) Shadow of Sartana…shadow of your death = Passa Sartana… è l’ombra della tua morte
Demofilo Fidani (1970) Dead men dont make shadows = Inginocchiati straniero… I cadaveri non fanno ombra!
Demofilo Fidani (1970) django und sartana kommen = Arrivano Django e Sartana…è la fine! (german)
Demofilo Fidani (1970) halleluja der todliche schatten = Giù le mani… Carogna (german)
Demofilo Fidani (1970) One damned day at dawn = Quel maledetto giorno d´inverno…
Demofilo Fidani (1971) Adios companeros = Giù la testa… hombre (german)
Demofilo Fidani (1971) Adios companeros = Per una bara piena di dollari (german)
Demofilo Fidani (1971)Savage guns = Era Sam Wallach… lo chiamavano 'così si
Demofilo Fidani (1973) Anything for a friend = Amico mio, frega tu… che frego io!

Lattanzi ? I dont know him

these from crea
Gianni Crea (1969) Law of violence = Todos o ninguno
Gianni Crea (1970) Finders killers = Se t’incontro, t’ammazzo
Gianni Crea (1973) On the third day arrived the crow = …E il terzo giorno arrivò il corvo
Gianni Crea (1975) 7 devils on a horseback = Sette del gruppo selvaggio, I

and from mario moroni I only have
My name is Mallory

boot hill,savage guns,kid vengeance,apache woman,god’s gun.i’m sure thier are plenty of bad sw’s but im careful in my purchases so luckily i’ve mostly seen the good ones .collecting sw is a catch 22 because you want the good ones but yet you know when you collect all them ,only the bad ones are left and your still gonna want more! :-\

Im curious,anyone who has seen lots of sw’s. whats the ratio of good sw’s compared to bad sw’s in your opinion?

for me its 20-40-40-20
20% Very good (cast music director perfect)
40% average watchable with pleasure
40% average just watchable
20% bad-unwatchable-crap-or so bad its good (but rare)

  1. a reason to live a reason to die
  2. cut throat’s nine
  3. colt in the head of the devil
  4. the price of power
  5. my name is nobody

I don’t like salami …