While the Spaghetti Western Database is a hobby and a project by a community of people, we’re still interested in professionally optimizing, we want to analyze what works, and make improvements. Our overall goal is for everyone to find what they’re looking for in the world of spaghetti westerns. So please spare a minute and answer the following 5 questions.
Question 1: When using the SWDb (the main site, not the forum!), are you usually able to quickly and easily find what you’re looking for?
Yes, it’s always easy to find things quickly
No, I struggle with searching and browsing the SWDb sometimes
Question 2: What is your main route of finding something on the SWDb?
The search bar
Clicking through categories (“browse all”)
I use Google
Following links from the Main Page
Question 3: How do you mainly get your SWDb news (new reviews, articles, releases, etc.)?
This forum
SWDb Facebook page
SWDb Twitter
The newsletter
I check the Main Page regularly
Question 4: What type of content are you missing from the SWDb the most?
Images (posters, lobby cards, stills, etc.)
Trailers and other video material
Synopsis (story summaries of movies)
Cast and Credits info
Trivia and Fun Facts
Soundtrack and music info
Question 5: Do you subscribe to the SWDb newsletter?
You have a newsletter?
Yes, and thanks for not spamming me every week. Love it.
No, I rather follow here or on social media
I used to, but it wasn’t helpful.
Thank you! Please feel free to add your comments below. We’re looking forward to your feedback on how to make the SWDb better! Extra points if you come up with really helpful additional survey questions
Hi @jacobsajc ! Thank you so much for your feedback. This really is so valuable! I a glad you can find your way around. We will definitely to improve things further with a next upgrade.
As for your remarks: There is certainly a lot of information in the SWDb that lacks accuracy. However, we can only offer information we know, and so we rely on our community to supply corrections, additions and additional facts. So when you spot a wrong region, a missing or incorrect subtitle or missing dvd releases, please do let us know and we can immediately correct that. In the long term, if you want to consider joining our team of editors, you are of course also most welcome!
I took the survey and if it asked for me to rate it I’d give it a 5 outta 5. The whole team does an excellent job here and is so dedicated to ensuring the site stays well managed and clean. Love you guys so much!
One thing that’s for certain, is that we need more folks making more contributions to the SWDB, like adding pictures and posters, updating accuracy of DVD/BluRay info, keeping the calender up to jazz and adding readable text to all kinds of pages, adding external articles as links and much more, we need to keep the database up to speed and usable. That’s just me realizing some things as I am updating some Kino Lorber release pages some of which have been unkept for almost 2 years