The Guess a Movie Screenshot Thread

And the bald actor is Pietro Ceccarelli?

Yes it’s him, here in handlebar mustache version… :relaxed:

I remember it was partly set in a circus

New challenge soon

First I mistook him for Poldo Bendandi of handlebar mustache grandeur. Il pistolero segnato da Dio I haven’t watched yet.

The waiting is the hardest part …

I magnifici brutos del West

Guess this one…

What about reviving this topic?
Guess this.

At first I thought of La vendetta è un piatto che si serve freddo, but then I realized it’s
Kidnapping: paga o uccidiamo tuo figlio a.k.a. 20.000 dollari sporchi di sangue.

Ah, how i wished for a wrong answer. Silver Saddle anyone?
But it is Kidnapping. Very good, senor Corbett, you can take the wheel.

Thanks tomas, here’s a new one

I see a couple familiar faces… :wink:

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Some more

Ursus, il gladiatore ribelle

Not that one, El Topo.

Maciste, l’eroe più grande del mondo by Michelle Lupo

That’s the one mate. Your turn!

Thank’s Corbett

Can someone take this one for me please, having pc troubles

Sure thing El Topo.

Death Line perhaps.