Alternative Top 20

There’s no sky above the rocks, they’re just an illusion

Who is the master who makes the sky blue?

Someone turned ENNIOO blue!!

Ok so we have 16 lists here so far, and about 18 people (i think) posted they have watched around 150-200+ spags… how many lists we going for before we compile the first results?

Do you prefer me in blue then ? :smiley:

Well, I never intended to limit submissions only to folk who have seen 150 plus spaghettis. As I said at the start, if you don’t think you’ve seen enough to offer an alternative 20 you can just list as many as you want as long as you truly recommend them.

Either way, I figure I should give the process at least a week to allow as many submissions as possible. I can continue to update the list but want to give everyone a chance to submit first if they want to.

Alright, i’m gonna list the one’s i had on my top 20 that didn’t make the official list. I’m pretty confident that these will at least stay in my top 40 even as i catch up with more titles.

1- …AND GOD SAID TO CAIN - love that damn storm and the mood it brings

[quote=“autephex, post:70, topic:1671”]All titles that gave me trouble and would of made my list if I wasn’t including titles from my original top 20. Shoot Gringo Shoot was particularly troublesome… it made my original top 20, but I watched it again the other night and didn’t like it as much as I had remembered, I’m afraid it will be dropping from my personal top20 now. I really need to go back and watch a lot of my top films, as I usually watch a new title in favor of rewatching one of my favorites, and it seems my opinion of some of my old favorites is changing after viewing so many other spags

Sartana Does Not Forgive a definite runner up, probably at the top of the films I couldn’t decide on[/quote]

It’s funny…Shoot gringo Shoot is in my actual Top 20 too. I rewatched it recently and found myself liking it even more than the first time, although this time around it’s shortcomings were also more obvious. And though i gather a lot of people aren’t that keen on it, i love that soundtrack. I don’t think it totally fits the film itself, but it’s great.

I guess its too late now, but I just got the idea that maybe we can do a “Hidden Gems Top 10”. Meaning ranking the movies, that we like that that are lesser known. Maybe in order to quality as a hidden gem we only rank movies with under 30 imdb votes. I guess its too late now but I thought that this would serve the purpose of giving more recognition to films we like that might’ve slipped under most peoples radar.

Sounds like a good thread to me.

  1. Cut-throats nine
  2. Light the fuse…Sartana is coming
  3. Sabata
  4. 10.000 $ blood money
  5. They call me Hallelujah
  6. Have a good funeral my friend Sartana will pay
  7. They call him Cemetary
  8. Mannaja
  9. 100.000 $ for a massacre
  10. His name was Holy Ghost
  11. Johnny Oro
  12. Death sentence
  13. The specialists
  14. No room to die
  15. El puro
  16. A stranger in town
  17. If you meet Sartana pray for your death
  18. Blindman
  19. Navajo Joe
  20. I want him dead

[quote=“ION BRITTON, post:91, topic:1671”]17. If you meet Sartana pray for your death[/quote]That’s on the top20 at the moment.

Right, i just saw that. Well, it’s either I am Sartana your angel of death or Shoot the living and pray for the dead that take its place.

He he, after a new list dropped in today, not any more. At the moment Sabata is back to the club.

Which is it to be?

Well as it stands neither is likely to make the Alternative Top 20 anyhow.

I’ll give everyone another day or so to submit their lists if they want to and then I’ll post the findings.
I can always update it whenever neccesary but I want it to be as representative as possible to begin with.

I think i’ll honour Shoot the living…

Okey Doke

Is Sabata back in the official top 20 now? In that case I’ll have to add another movie to my alternative top 20.

Well it ain’t official before it’s officially posted in the Top 20 thread or on the main page.
At the moment Sabata, the Parolini Sartana and Blindman are damn close together and every new list can change the results.

For the alternative top 20 we should stick to the list on page 1 of this thread.