Vote now ## Does the SWDb need a chat? 💬

I appreciate the invite @Admin, but I haven’t had much time as I’d like to post here myself (as my eight days late in responding shows) so don’t want to influence the decision.

Understandable. Overall it’s crazy how few folks cast their vote, but then again, fine. Could be a sign of indifference :slight_smile:
I will decide later today if I will just switch the chat on and we see how it’s being received. We can always shut it off again, too

I voted no because I don’t think it’s something I would really use but I am definitely not averse to others having it if they would find it beneficial.
As you say, if it becomes a problem you can always switch it off again

Staff is now testing this out for a few days before we make it available to the wider public :smiley:


As the chat is now live and usable, closing this topic.