The Last Movie You Watched? ver.2.0

Some verhoevens:

Flesh ÷ Blood - first time watched it and I was very pleasantly surprised. Despite some pretty weird ideas (like when the hero frees yourself from metal shackles with a help of a lightning ) I was basically glued to the screen for more than two hours, never bored. Rutger, as in all his movies from this era, is simply fantastic. 4/5

Total Recall - I think the attached screenshot faithfully describes the whole movie. Greatly entertaining, but stuffed with lot of wtf moments when you just cackle at its recklessness. 4/5

Arnie in a field of fire. The dumb soldiers around would be of course decimated by crossfire, even worse, because they shoot at hologram, but no bullet seems to go through. This is by far most demented action scene I’ve ever seen.


I really like this one. I hope that the original X-rated version gets released someday. The scenes made their way into a TV print that was used once but as far as I know, every dvd and Blu-ray contains the R-rated version.


It is a lot better than the Colin Farrell remake!!

I agree about Total Recall, great movie, but i never could get into Flesh + Blood. I love Verhoeven and have always defended him against those who thought he was a provocateur who lacked real talent, but in the case of this movie … I’ve seen it at least three times, maybe even more, but all I seem to remember are some visually impressive scenes and a character who must have been some kind of Leonardo da Vinci Verhoeven style. I don’t remember much of the story or anything else.

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Total Recall is still a big disappointment for me, it is one which does not get better by a re-watch. 4/10

Biggest problem of Flesh and Blood is that there are barely any ideas anymore towards the end. 6/10

  1. Patelliere: Taxi for Tobruk 7/10
  2. Tsukamoto: Tetsuo: The Iron Man 9/10
  3. Fassbider: The Marriage of Maria Braun 6/10
  4. MacKenzie: Hell or High Water 8/10
  5. Joong Ho: Parasite (cinema) 8/10
  6. Fábri: Two Half Times in Hell 7/10
  7. Reponen, Kinnunen & Kassila: Pölhölä 4/10
  8. Brooks: High Anxiety 8/10
  9. Leterrier: Goodbye Emmanuelle 5/10
  10. Anderson: Event Horizon 4/10

HIGH ANXIETY!! Man it’s been ages since I watched that! It doesn’t top YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN though. “My name, is pronounced Fronkenstein.”

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Yes, Young Frankenstein is a masterpiece, probably top20 film of all times for me.

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Interesting - I never ‘got’ Mel Brooks or the popularity of any of his films. For decades people have been raving about how funny these movies are and I just can’t see it. I’ve even been to the cinema to see a few, and my reaction was that I felt slightly embarrassed by how unfunny the antics were.

Emperor’s new clothes syndrome !

Mine too!

No, it’s not. People just have different kind of sense for humor.

It’s down to your sense of humour. Some of his films are hilarious to me and some are not! I never got the humour of SILENT MOVIE, and HISTORY OF THE WORLD pt. DRACULA DEAD AND LOVING IT was atrocious. I think Monty Python is funny and the Carry Ons. I like clever word play from the Two Ronnies.
I like slapstick material when it’s done well. Spoofs like THE NAKED GUN by the Zuckers. Are fantastic but modern film makers cannot match the quality.
I confess a lot of current comedy is lost on me Aldo. My friends were obsessed with the INBETWEENERS. :dizzy_face:I could not stand that juvenile and vulgar crap. But I don’t think things like THE OFFICE are funny either.

In complete agreement with you there. Awful, obnoxious, pathetically poorly written and performed … yet, really successful ??? :thinking: The Carry-On movies get a lot of flack for being lowbrow and vulgar, but there are a lot of ‘comedy’ series in recent years that get praise, awards etc and are infinitely in worse taste. ‘8 out of 10 cats does Countdown’ for instance … is full of not even funny, but full on, ‘dirty little schoolboy’ sexual references, delivered by a host who’s thing is to be shocking … it’s just crap that’s somehow become acceptable.

AN example of Jimmy Carr’s wit … in one episode he refers to co-host Rachel, and tells us that, Quote: He’d crawl over broken glass to suck the dick of the guy who had been inside Rachel. Unquote

That’s not comedy, it’s verbal sexual harassment … but everyone on that show went along with it. Well done British comedians and actors !!! That’s the level we’re at in mainstream TV comedy.

Yes, I suppose that’s true. I can’t argue with that :slight_smile:

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My god I hate that man!! Carr is an utter scumbag! There is something really sleazy about him😡 I admit I have made sexual jokes with colleagues - double entendre and innuendo but nothing so direct and personal!

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The Carry On films can be low brow and vulgar but they are well written pieces of low brow comedy. :laughing:

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We all do … and I don’t wish to appear like some missionary prude … but, FFS, there are levels !!!
Ricky Gervais is another Pig, who’s had incredible success … so success = acceptability ???

I liked the series The Office very much … because it put that type of vulgarity into context, and was funny because of the fact that the central character who is an utter loser, says these things in an attempt to gain popularity … I feel that, Gervais doesn’t understand his own creation, of ‘David Brent’ which is dangerously close to his own persona. Look at the movie version he made … just awful cringy rubbish, but it certainly mirrored the actor ! Just look at ‘An Idiot Abroad’, or the extras on any of his DVDs … he is ‘David Brent’ … laughing and scoffing at other’s misfortunes and then trying to sound politically aware and sensitive to social and world issues when he wants to be admired. Complete tosser!

Agreed. Sasha Baron Cohen is another one. Sticking to his film work I just cringe. I dislike his how jokes are made at the expense of EVERYBODY else but he is not prepared to make funny Jewish characters or jokes. Now all credit to him for exposing antisemitism but if Muslim comedians will what is his problem??

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Good point … but we’ve veered off topic - To be continued :wink:

Just a bit! :sweat_smile:

Well, Borat was pretty funny …