The Greatest Robbery in the West / La più grande rapina del West (Maurizio Lucidi, 1967)

The Greatest Robbery… has been updated to the new layout (3.0). Let us know if you can add anything: pictures, posters, trivia, facts, figures, links, etc…

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This one has now been updated with A NEW POLL to vote on at the top of the page under the original post. Please find it and share your rating with the community.

As usual, link to forum page has also been added / fixed, poster art added, and broken links removed. The original member’s post is as intended, at the top section.

Any issues, please say.

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I just watched this one again.
If someone could update the main page: La più grande rapina del west

At least some of the “filming locations” were set at:
Cinecittà Studios
S.C.O. Studios (Stabilimenti Cinematografici Ostia)


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Where are you getting this information from? There are a few scenes filmed in the typical locations of the Almeria desert region (Las Salinillas) … but Gádor, specifically? … and Rioja is in the North of Spain.

Is this from some second hand source? because it’s way off.

I can’t answer for Rayo, but there’s also a Rioja right next to Gador.

Edit: Some locations that are usually listed as Tabernas are actually in the municipality of Gador. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Rioja specifically being mentioned though.

Yes … as the ‘Desert of Tabernas’, not actually the town itself. I know where Gádor is, but have never seen it listed as a film location.

Here’s the particular scene from Almeria: The vast majority of the film is shot at an Italian studio.

Not from a second hand source. There are locations in the movie from the municipalities of Gádor and Rioja.

Neither had I until fairly recently. There’s a Spanish guy on Facebook doing the location thing. He always lists the actual, correct municipio with his photos, many of which are in Gádor.

Not trying to nitpick either, but when someone says “was shot in Almeria”. That’s a very broad statement. IMO it doesn’t hurt to be a little more specific. Know what I mean?

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I just visited that guy’s page again. For example he lists the very often used Rambla Indalecio as being in Rioja. A check at Spain’s online catastro confirms this.

Well, as we’re going down that road of being really specific … the area from the screenshot is known locally as ‘Las salinillas’, which is a good 10 miles from Gádor and Rioja.

But according to the cadastral plan of Spanish authorities it’s still within the municipality of Gádor. Not by much, but still… :wink:

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In general I have several bad experiencies with Spain and maps :wink:

By the way, at Google Maps now you can observe around 20 vehicles parked at Las Salinillas - a new western on its way ???

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Perhaps the Gádorians are trying to cash in on the tourist trade ?


Fact is the entire area has been generally known as el desierto de Tabernas, for ‘yonks’ … I know from locals, that there have often been disputes over who owns the various famous sites … especially when there’s a tidy sum involved.

Or another car advert ? :wink:

Just noticed it gets really funny near the Lawrence of Arabia (or FAFDM) oasis where the three municipalities all meet.

If you lie down in the right spot you could be in all three at once. :smiley:

Gádor top left
Tabernas top right
Rioja bottom half


It is ok, nothing special but also nothing much to complain about. I liked all the three actors in this one. 3/5