The best novels you've ever read?

Some great choices, John

I also like The Maltese Falcon (more than Red Harvest), In Cold Blood and Heart of Darkness.

The Death of Ivan Ilyich certainly is a great novella. Tolstoy is best known for his ultra-long novels, but he also did a couple of good short stories.
I like Orwell a lot, but I prefer his esays. The same goes for Sartre (and I have only included literary fiction). For some reason (I really have no explanation) I have never read The Great Gatsby. It’s one of the ‘great novels’ that are still on my to read list (Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago is another title)

I don’t read that much fiction (except for graphic novels) and I usually prefer short stories but here’s some of my favorites.

Dumas: The Count of Monte Christo
Lovecraft: The Case of Charles Dexter Ward
Marquis De Sade: Justine
Waltari: Sinuhe the Egyptian

few of my favorite page turners :
Robert Holdstock - Mythago Wood
Brian W. Aldiss - Nonstop
Neal Stephenson - Snowcrash
Dan Simmons - Ilium
P. K. Dick - Ubik
Neil Gaiman - Neverwhere
Anthony Burgess - Clockwork Orange
P.J. Farmer - To Your Scattered Bodies Go
Gustav Meyrink - Golem
Larry Niven - Protector, Ringworld
Robert Reed - Marrow