The Angel, the Brute and the Wise

Any news about this one?
directed by Franco Nero

Interesting, did not know about this one.

directed by Nero?
Castellari supposed to be director as far as I know.


This has been talked about for years, but nothing happened so far. Maybe when Tarantino releases his western, the Italians will perhaps put some money in a western again. Like with Jonathan of the Bears when Dances with Wolves was in fashion.

If Nero will be in it, thay should call it Django III

sorry (it’s Dutch)

it says QT plays a part in the western and signed a letter of intent.

Quentin Tarantino speelt bandiet in spaghettiwestern
Laatste update: 14 juli 2011 13:08 info
AMSTERDAM - Quentin Tarantino gaat een rolletje spelen in een spaghettiwestern van Franco Nero. The Angel, the Brute and the Wise wordt een eerbetoon aan regisseurs Sergio Leone en John Huston.

Foto: AFP
"Ik heb hem een brief laten tekenen waarin staat dat hij in mijn film wil spelen", zegt de Italiaanse acteur tegen het Amerikaanse filmvakblad Box Office Magazine.
Tarantino werkt zelf ook aan een spaghettiwestern getiteld Django Unchained, met Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio en Samuel L. Jackson in de hoofdrollen.
Toen de eerste berichten over die film het daglicht zagen, leek Nero ook een rol te hebben in de film. Ook ging het gerucht dat de film The Angel, the Brute and the Wise zou heten. Nu blijken er twee westerns in de maak te zijn. Nero heeft Tarantino gevraagd een klein rolletje als bandiet te spelen in zijn eerbetoon.
De Italiaanse Nero is onder meer bekend van de titelrol in de western Django uit 1966. Hij hoopt op een rolletje in de western die de Pulp Fiction-regisseur maakt. “Iedere keer als ik Tarantino spreek wil hij alles weten over Sergio Corbucci, de regisseur van Django”, zegt de 69-jarige Nero.
Tarantino heeft hem nog niet benaderd voor zijn western. “Ik hoop dat Quentin me vraagt voor een rol. Dat zou me erg gelukkig maken.”

googletranslate (I’m lazy i know)

Quentin Tarantino plays outlaw in spaghetti western
Last updated: July 14, 2011 1:08 p.m. Info
LONDON - Quentin Tarantino will play a roll in a spaghetti western by Franco Nero. The Angel, the Brute and the Wise is a tribute to Sergio Leone and directors John Huston.

Photo: AFP
"I got him to sign a letter stating that he wants to play in my film," says the actor at the Italian American film trade magazine Box Office Magazine.
Tarantino himself is working on a spaghetti western called Django Unchained, with Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio and Samuel L. Jackson in the lead roles.
When the first reports of the film saw the light of day, Nero seemed to have a role in the film. Also, rumor had it that the film The Angel, the Brute and the Wise would be called. Now there appear two westerns in the works to be. Nero Tarantino has asked a small role as a bandit to play in his honor.
Italian Nero is best known for the title role in the Western Django in 1966. He hopes to roll in the western that the Pulp Fiction director makes. “Every time I speak Tarantino, he wants to know about Sergio Corbucci, director of Django,” the 69-year-old Nero.
Tarantino has not yet approached him for his western. “I hope that Quentin asks me for a role. That would make me very happy.”

Castellari is slated to be the director of this POSSIBLE film. This info. comes from Enzo’s son, Andrea.

Frankly said, I hope it will never see the light of the day.

No need to bridle a dead horse.

Hopefully he would be better than he was in Sukiyaki Western Django

[quote=“Stanton, post:7, topic:2780”]Frankly said, I hope it will never see the light of the day.

No need to bridle a dead horse.[/quote]

To my way of thinking you could very well revive the “horse”, and also with more than interesting results: only the market rules prevent this.

The problem is that in all probability in this case the result would be a pointless little film like Caribbean Basterds, so in this sense I fully share the opinion of Stanton

Would not mind seeing Nero in another western before he dies.

I dunno… since he married one of the Redgraves, they’ve zapped his creative zeal a bit. I just saw Letters To Julia where he co-starred with Vanessa Redgrave… a great romance-film and Italy-travelogue, and FN seemed right-at-home playing the gentile landowner. I can’t see him retaining a devil-may-care attitude for an action-project. Tho, he’s surprised me before.