The 21st Century's 100 Greatest Films

If I counted right, I’ve seen 37.

We had similar topic (my own baby); What are your favorite 21st century movies?

Looking at my choices on that topic, there are only 3 out of 20 movies from my list that made this Top 100 (5 if we counf WALL-E and Spirited away which were in my Top 5 animated). I guess that makes me kind of proud, always liked to be few steps away from any kind of herd :slight_smile:
(Although more of them would probably make my current top 20: 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days, Fury Road, maybe Wolf of WS. Fish Tank was also good).

BIGGEST omission: No Memories of a Murder, but its copycat is at No.12 ?!?
Surprises: Not single Inarritu? No Downfall? No Eastwood either.
Weak movies that made the list: 25th Hour, Her.
And I’m not too fond of Haneke and I see critics still like their Coen brothers.

I wouldn’t be so dismissive of a IMDB. IMDB is The Voice of People and I respect that (and the taste in movies of mass audience tends to be better than mass taste in some other forms of art like music. I mean, they are still easily fooled into watching bad movies, but they will say they were bad afterwards :wink: )