Tessari's Ringo-films

finally seen Ringo returns… but wasn’t overly impressed by this one either… maybe I’m just not a Tessari/Gemma person…

there was one great moment in it, where his wife sees his face for the first time, and the minute or so leading up to it, but then the moment is rudely ended… and there’s no great showdown whatsoever…

meh… disappointment

[quote=“Sebastian, post:21, topic:477”]finally seen Ringo returns… but wasn’t overly impressed by this one either… maybe I’m just not a Tessari/Gemma person…

there was one great moment in it, where his wife sees his face for the first time, and the minute or so leading up to it, but then the moment is rudely ended… and there’s no great showdown whatsoever…

meh… disappointment[/quote]

What drugs are those doctors giving you?!?
Wash your mouth out and rewatch it.

Haha. I watched Return of Ringo for the second time last weekend. The cast is alright, cinematography and editing are good, music is great, but the plot is very weak. Gemma goes undercover as a florist to get his wife back? Come on! This is almost as laughable as George Martin’s hairdo. Don’t get me wrong, I still had fun with this film. Gemma’s character was alright and his nervous twitch definitely added something to his limited acting abilities. The film also has a high cheese factor, which I didn’t mind either in this case. ‘‘I’ll explain later’’ hahaha. Hell, my girlfriend didn’t even mind this movie, which usually is not really a good sign. Overall I’d say Return of Ringo is better than most spaghetti westerns and I don’t mind watching it. If you’re in the mood for a dumb and cheesy spaghetti western it will do fine, and It’ll probably even make my top 50 or 60. But one of the greats? No.



I’m really disappointed that neither of the Koch releases have English subtitles. All they have is the dubbed English audio.

Now I know these discs are primarily aimed at the German market but these Koch guys are really playing with me in terms of releases: “The Big Gundown” with English subs but no English audio; the Ringo films with no English subs but English audio. Now I’m not being greedy, I don’t mind not having both on each disc (although that would be preferable), I just want precisely the inverse of what they have given us… :-[

You don’t think it’s cheesy?

And by the way, my girlfriend wondered what happened to ‘the moustache’ as she called Fernando Sancho. I didn’t know either. Then I turned to page 1 of this thread to find out he died in one of the flower pot explosions. Hmmm… I’ll refrain from a ‘blasphemous’ comment on this, but it sure raises an eyebrow.

Btw, thus far nobody on this forum has been able to give me a clearly definitive straight answer on:

  1. What are those “herbs” the indian is selling? I thought Gemma was just drunk not sick!?
  2. What is that dark red guck that Gemma puts his hand in at the beginning? The herbs? Hair dye?
  3. I know Gemma died both his hair and facial hair brown. But wouldn’t the blond roots start showing after a while?

Who cares? This movie has a lot of loose ends. Perhaps, you shouldn’t delve into them or the Ringo police will come busting in.
Interesting to know: In Holland this film was released on betamax as Ringo de bloemist

[quote=“Bad Lieutenant, post:27, topic:477”]You don’t think it’s cheesy?

And by the way, my girlfriend wondered what happened to ‘the moustache’ as she called Fernando Sancho. I didn’t know either. Then I turned to page 1 of this thread to find out he died in one of the flower pot explosions. Hmmm… I’ll refrain from a ‘blasphemous’ comment on this, but it sure raises an eyebrow.[/quote]

Yes, it’s cheesy for sure. And sentimental and melodramatic. And Sancho’s flower pot explosion death is a big failing. All points conceded. But all these points (excepting Sancho’s cop out departure) are also some of its strong points. It is also very well shot and has one of the best uses of music of any film I know. Next time you watch it count the number of key scenes which are played out with strictly pictures and music. No dialogue at all. The scene you mentioned earlier in the child’s bedroom when his wife recognises him is a perfect case in point. It’s not a perfect film of course. But it is a very good one and I am happy to overlook its faults as its strengths far outweigh them.

[quote=“Col. Douglas Mortimer, post:28, topic:477”]Btw, thus far nobody on this forum has been able to give me a clearly definitive straight answer on:

  1. What are those “herbs” the indian is selling? I thought Gemma was just drunk not sick!?
  2. What is that dark red guck that Gemma puts his hand in at the beginning? The herbs? Hair dye?
  3. I know Gemma died both his hair and facial hair brown. But wouldn’t the blond roots start showing after a while?[/quote]

The herbs are used for the hair dye. Whether this was their primary purpose or a happy coincidence is not explained :smiley:
As for the roots, I assume a quick trip to the chemist for a loreal shampoo rinse fixed him up.

Ringo Police? Sounds like a good job. What’s the pension plan like?

[quote=“Phil H, post:30, topic:477”]The herbs are used for the hair dye. Whether this was their primary purpose or a happy coincidence is not explained :smiley:
As for the roots, I assume a quick trip to the chemist for a loreal shampoo rinse fixed him up.[/quote]

LOL yeah but the tavern keeper goes up to the indian and says that he has a sick friend. Why would the indian give him herbs used for hair dye for somone who is sick? ANd Gemma is not even sick just hungover LOL.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the ringo movies almost as much as you do Phil, but those unexplained scenes need to be on the cutting room floor.

It’s funny, i never even stopped to think about the herbs bit. I just assumed it was for making dye all along. I’m of course firmly on the side of it’s faults being far outweighed by it’s great moments. And what’s wrong with George Martin’s hair?? ::slight_smile: ;D

I really like these Ringo films. I wouldn’t necessarily call them American because they are far more violent. And a slightly different style.

[quote=“Novecento, post:26, topic:477”]I’m really disappointed that neither of the Koch releases have English subtitles. All they have is the dubbed English audio.

Now I know these discs are primarily aimed at the German market but these Koch guys are really playing with me in terms of releases: “The Big Gundown” with English subs but no English audio; the Ringo films with no English subs but English audio. Now I’m not being greedy, I don’t mind not having both on each disc (although that would be preferable), I just want precisely the inverse of what they have given us… :-[[/quote]

??? first everyone is complaining that all koch does is put up english subtitles and now that they put up english audio you complain that they dont put up english subtitles??? dude… seriously :slight_smile:

Like the discussion. I’m with Phil Return of Ringo is a Masterpiece. Maybe you guys watched the wrong version. :slight_smile: Guilano Gemma undercover as florist, exploding flowerpots and strange herbs to colour his hair … something cheesy like that can only happen in a SW. :smiley: The Return of Ringo has great athmosperic scenes like in the Leone OUATITW. :slight_smile:

The first Ringo is a bit too american to me but is also a good one. :slight_smile:

Ok ok, so I admit I’m being a tad picky… hmmm maybe that’s why everyone ignored my post too… :-\

However, I do want to hear the real actors’ voices which is impossible with Koch’s Sollima trilogy, and with their Ringo releases, if I don’t want to hear Gemma dubbed, I have to struggle along with my basic knowledge of Italian (got mainly from my speaking Spanish) with my even worse ability at reading German.

But don’t get me wrong, I am still very appreciative of all Koch does. I guess I’m just being greedy ;D.

I have not seen this movie but if there’s something I don’t like it’s cheesy movies.

Cheese can be very good, when properly prepared.

haha that sounds like it would make a good quote in a SW.

But I like the first one.