Blood River (1974) - Director: Gianfranco Baldanello - 5/10.
While the motion picture evidently represents Baldanello’s most ambitious foray into western by far, it is tough evaluate the work in terms of narrative focus or time passage by reason of it having been shortened by fifteen or twenty mintues. In light of it having been hacked to pieces over the years, pic’s certain segments are barely comprehensible, though what emerges out of the dilapidated debris of a narrative generally seems promising and intriguing enough. The tale basically constitutes a fusion of a revenge yarn and a multifaceted family tragedy.
The former factor comes out after a fashion because the vengeance is exacted by an Indian and it so happens that the depiction of the indigenous population turns out droll more than anything else which is underscored by Umiliani’s somewhat mischosen sountrack. Thankfully, the said component subsequently gives way to the familial intrigues and associated shenanigans which is where the movie shines. Rosalba Neri is given a chance to act and act she does, turning in a compelling performance as the befuddled damsel in the throes of passion; Testi and Ireland put on a good show as well which additionally helps to thicken drama’s atmosphere in the final act. The climax proves rather heavy-handed and feels a bit overcooked shall we say, but considering that we are dealing with something produced as cheaply as this and made as late as in 1974, the overall offering is definitely nothing to sniff at.